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So, although he had a vague idea of where I was at, he wouldn’t be able to get us as long as we stayed quiet and moved slowly to the left of where we’d been.

“Tell Keifer that he’s been warned,” the man said.

I squeezed Wink’s hand.

Stop. Stay.

She stayed, and I could tell she wasn’t very happy to be staying where I left her.

Complain she did not. Happy she was not. Obedient she was. For once.

Once I was far enough away, I urged her in the opposite direction I was standing in.

Good girl. Keep moving toward Mace and I’ll meet you there.

She lifted her lip in a silent snarl, then started to back away, using the chaos of the crowd making their way to the parking lot as a cover as she moved.

“Why would I warn Keifer? I don’t even know what to warn him about,” I replied, then moved two giant strides in the opposite direction.

I probably looked like a dumbass as I moved in such an erratic pattern, but I didn’t know who this guy was from Adam. I wasn’t going to give him a voice tag of where I was so he could use whatever powers I knew he had on me.

The man’s eyes narrowed on the spot I used to be in, and then he subtly lifted his right hand.

I could feel it—energy of some sort—as it passed me.

It felt like a gust of wind as it moved in the direction I’d once been in, and I knew my instincts that told me to move were right.

Take a picture of him.

I didn’t wait around for him to tell me anything more. I wouldn’t be stupid and wait around while he did God knew what to me.

Keifer wasn’t the only person I had to worry about anymore. He wasn’t the most important thing in my life. Wink was.

“Keifer is my…” the man whipped his head around, staring narrow eyed in the direction of Mace and Wink.

I picked up a large boulder off the ground, one that was used as decoration for the ugly water attraction that Wink had used as a backdrop for a few of her pictures, hefted its weight in my hand, and launched it at the man.

It wasn’t a light throw, either.

In fact, I’d put everything I had in that throw.

And the man fucking caught it.

Right out of the air.

Then launched it right back at me with twice the force and three times the speed.

I had just enough time to lift my hand to block the rock from hitting me directly in the face, and pain shot through my entire arm.

So much pain that it doubled me over and stole my breath.

Bone crunched, and blood started to flow from the wound of the rock’s collision with my arm. It took everything I had to keep myself upright as I moved in a hunched over position toward Wink.

Mace, being the awesome creature he was, moved toward me, intercepting me about halfway and lifting me onto his back.

“Go,” I coughed.

Mace went, and the last thing I saw before the pain of my crushed arm stole my ability to stay aware was the man watching us go.

With a mother fucking smile on his face.***“What’d he look like?” Keifer sat back in his office chair and kicked his feet up, resting them on the edge of his huge black wooden desk.

My eyes flickered around the room, taking in Derek with his stoic, disbelieving eyes. Jean Luc—who was there, but not really there.

That, likely, had a lot to do with my sister.

My sister who, when I’d talked to her on the phone earlier about her house, had made mention of Jean Luc not just once, but over ten times.

Then there was Nikolai and his wife, Brooklyn, who was sitting on his lap.

Blythe was sitting on the desk next to Keifer’s feet, watching me warily, waiting for me to speak.

“Tall. Black hair that hung down around past his eyes. Green eyes. Olive complexion. Scar on his right cheek,” Wink rattled off. “He was like a Keanu Reeves lookalike.”

Keifer grunted.

“What could he do?” Blythe asked, rocking back and forth from one foot to another.

I lifted up my newly healed arm—thanks to my woman—and pointed at it. “Strength. Echo fucking location. I don’t know. He could guesstimate where we were standing even when I had my shield up.”

“Fuck me,” Keifer growled. “Nikolai, any luck with the photo?”

“I’m trying to sharpen the image, but until I can do that, all it looks like to me is Keanu Reeves,” Nikolai replied.

Blythe snorted as did Nikolai’s woman.

“That’s not helping, brother,” Keifer retorted.

Suddenly, Brooklyn jumped up from her husband’s lap, clapping loudly, and bringing everyone’s attention to her.

“That’s the guy…” Brooklyn’s face bunched as she thought. “That’s the guy from the cabin, I think. I don’t remember a lot, but I remember him. His face. And from what I’m getting when you project the info at me…it’s his voice that I remember the most.”

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic