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“Nobody’s going to get Reed, Keifer,” Ian promised. “Not just me, but the entire fucking dragon rider army will make sure of it. They’d have to get through not just you, but me, your mate. Nikolai, his mate. It’d be a bloodbath, and not one anyone could win, even Joseph.”

“Who’s Joseph?” I asked.

“Joseph was the man who killed my father and nearly killed Blythe and me when we first mated,” Keifer explained, taking a seat on the barstool in front of the bar. His eyes were far away, and I knew that wherever he was at, it wasn’t a good place to be.

“Do you want anything else to drink, Keifer?” I asked him.

Keifer’s eyes snapped to me, and he shook his head.

“No, I’m not thirsty,” he replied.

His stomach chose that time to growl its hunger, and I smiled.

“How about some eggs and bacon?”

He gave me a small smile, and I took that as my cue to feed him.

“How do you like your eggs, Keifer?” I asked.

“Over easy,” he responded, his eyes going from me to Ian and back again.

Ian hid his grin and turned to the fridge, removing the eggs as well as a massive package of bacon.

“How much of this should I cook?” I asked him as he handed the package to me.

“All of it.”

I blinked.

“What?” I asked.

“All of it,” he repeated. “I want you to cook all of it.”

“There’s no way in hell y’all can eat all of this bacon,” I informed him haughtily.

He grinned at me.

“Watch us.”

Twenty minutes later, I realized that they could, indeed, eat sixty pieces of bacon between the two of them.

Holy fucking shit.Chapter 11Dear life, whatever motherfucker. Whatever.



I arrived home after walking Keifer to the property line to find the kitchen clean. Clean for the second time that day.


Bathroom, her beautiful voice rolled through my mind. Will you bring me a washcloth?

Wondering why in the hell she’d need a washcloth, I grabbed a stack of them out of the linen closet before heading her way.

I stopped to rid myself of my pants and shoes before stepping into the steamy hot room with only one thing on my mind.

Helping Wink wash her back.

However, the moment my eyes lit on Wink’s body, submerged in my bathtub with bubbles covering most of her body, I froze.

Her breasts were playing peek-a-boo with the top of the water, and with every move she made, they would bob on top of the water, and my eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the movement.

“Bring it here,” she ordered the moment she realized I was in the room with her.

I walked forward, not bothering to shield my raging hard on from her eyes, and stopped beside the tub.

“Here,” I said, holding out the washcloth.

This close I could make out various body parts. A knee, the ‘v’ of her pussy.

Before I could take note of each and every body part I could see, she stood up and lifted her leg up on the lip of the tub.

“Get in,” she ordered.

I blinked. “Why?”

She smiled at me, and then pointed at the water where she’d been sitting earlier.

Soap bubbles slid down her beautiful body, and I had to check the urge to grab her and force her to bend over the edge of the tub.

Instead, I questioned why I had bothered to wear underwear today. I pushed my briefs down my legs, and let them drop to my feet.

My cock bounced free of its confines, smacking against my belly, as Wink’s eyes automatically went to it.

She licked her lips and I nearly groaned.

Hold it together, I said to myself.

“Why would you need to do a thing like that?” Wink asked, sugary sweet.

I grimaced, forgetting for a minute or two that she could hear my thoughts now if she desired to.

Placing one foot into the water, I hissed and pulled it back, water slinging everywhere.

“What?” she asked worriedly.

“Goddamn that’s hot as fuck,” I said, reaching my hand into the water to see if it really was as hot as my foot told me it was.

And I realized that my foot hadn’t been mistaken. It was hot.

Hotter than hell.

“Why do you have it so hot?” I asked her, trying to sink my foot inside again.

“This is just how hot I like it,” she replied. “Don’t be a wiener. Get in.”

I did, but by the time the water was up to my neck, I was nearly hyperventilating.

“I hope you never wanted kids,” I teased through clenched teeth.

Her eyes filled with mirth.

“I want six,” she informed me.

My mouth dropped open.

“You’re shitting me, right?” I asked hopefully.

She shook her head. “No. I really do. I want six. Three boys and three girls.”

My eyes were as wide as saucers, I was sure. “Why in the hell would you want that?”

She grinned. “It’s a well-rounded number. I always wanted more siblings growing up, and I want my kids to have someone they can count on, always.”

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic