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Falcon gets up, taking his phone from his pocket. “I need to make a quick call. I’ll be right back.” He walks out of the room, and all I hear is, “Mason. Layla had apple juice.”Falcon“She did?” Mason asks.

“Yeah, they just told me there’s a whole list of fruit Layla can’t have.”

“So it’s not Serena’s doing?” he asks, still not sounding convinced.

“No, for once she’s innocent.”

“I’m watching the security footage for the function, and it shows Serena carrying only one pie, and it’s the one she gave to Layla.”

“Drop it, Mason,” I say, feeling exhausted. “Layla said it herself, she had apple juice.” I take a deep breath. “Let it go. You’re looking for something that’s not there.”


“Is Lake with you?” I ask, wanting to make sure Mason doesn’t do anything stupid.

“Yes, he’s hovering over my shoulder as we speak. Take the phone.” I hear them pass the phone, then Lake says, “Hey, is Layla better?”

“She is. She’s just swollen from the reaction. Don’t come by yet. It will only make her feel uncomfortable.”

“Okay, but keep me up to date.”

“I will. Thanks for everything tonight. Tell Mason I say thanks.”

“I will. Try to relax.”

We cut the call, and when I walk back into the room, Kingsley is with Layla.

“I’m so sorry. I wish I had known,” Kingsley says, looking like she’s been crying all night.

“It’s okay, really. I should’ve known better,” Layla argues.

“I could’ve killed my best friend,” Kingsley sobs.

Layla gives me a pleading look, on the verge of crying again. I put an arm around Kingsley. “Hey, these things happen. It’s no one’s fault. The important thing is Layla’s okay.”

Kingsley shakes her head and crying harder, she buries her face against my chest. I hug her, keeping my eyes on Layla.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

I nod, then pat Kingsley’s back.CHAPTER 25LaylaAfter recovering, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Kingsley. We’ve been planning the ski trip, and we’re busy going over everything while doing facials.

“I’ve made the payment for the condo,” I confirm. “The guy said we can get there any time after three pm.”

“Great.” Kingsley lets out an evil-sounding cackle, then says in a sing-song voice, “The guys are going to shit themselves.”

I laugh at her. “Come on, the place isn’t that bad.”

“For them, it’s a couple of levels lower than hell,” she explains.

“I don’t want them to hate the trip,” I muse, “Maybe I should look for a better place.”

“No.” Kingsley leans over the coffee table and grabs my phone from my hands. “You would be happy staying there, right?”

“Yes, but that’s me.”

“Isn’t the whole purpose of you getting to plan the ski trip, so the guys can experience a different kind of vacation?”

“It is,” I admit. I hold my hand out. “Give me the phone, I won’t change a thing.”

Kingsley gives me a stern look, “Promise?”

“I promise.”

When I get my phone back, I double-check that the payment went through for the Ford Transit and when I confirm it, I tick it off the list. “The van’s booked as well. Now, all we need is to get snacks for the ride.”

Kingsley laughs again. “No private jet. Tick. No five-star resort. Tick. No gourmet chefs. Tick.”

“You’re making me feel bad,” I grumble at her, dropping my phone on the table.

“Sorry, I’m just enjoying this so much.”

I pick up a candy bar and point it at her. “You do realize you’re going with. Sitting in the back with Mason and Lake. Tick. Sharing a room with Mason and Lake. Tick.”

She finally realizes, and a painful look crosses her face. “Oh shit.” She falls back on the couch. “And just like that you popped my bubble.”Falcon“Dafuuuc?” Mason asks as we all stand outside the dorm, staring at the huge-ass van, Layla rented.

Lake places his arm around Mason’s shoulders, “That, my friend, is our ride to hell.”

Mason glares at me, then grumbles, “The fucking things I do for you.”

Glancing at Layla to make sure she’s not offended, I see her and Kingsley doing their best to not laugh, and epically failing at it.

While everyone loads their baggage into the back, I place my arm around Layla and leaning in, I whisper, “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

She nods, grinning wide. “It’s going to be so much fun.”

“I’m willing to bet my left nutsack it will be anything but fun,” Mason mutters as he opens the side door. “These seats better unfold into five-star fucking beds.”

He climbs inside, and Lake follows him with an unsure look on his face.

When Kingsley gets in, Mason says, “Don’t come back here, Hunt. Traveling in this thing is torture enough for me.”

“Wasn’t planning on coming anywhere near you, Asshole,” Kingsley bites back.

“Children, Daddy’s had a long year, and he’d like to relax. Try to get along because we’re stuck in this thing for the next seventeen hours and Layla’s driving,” Lake says, his voice overly patient as he reclines his seat and closes his eyes.

Tags: Michelle Heard Trinity Academy Billionaire Romance