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“Really? That’s actually a good idea. Do you have any prospected investors in mind?”

“Not yet. Why? Are you interested?” I let out a chuckle when he smiles.

“I’ll invest anything you want if it means I get CRC.”

I close my eyes as the blow hits.

Always CRC.

Opening my eyes, I walk to the coffee table and pick up the contracts. I shouldn’t feel upset when I read through both, but it hurts more than I thought it would.

I look up from the papers and lock eyes with Julian. “All I wanted was a big brother. Just once I wanted to hear you tell me I meant more to you than shares.” Taking a pen from my pocket, I crouch down by the coffee table and begin to initial the pages of the contract where I renounce my rights to both the chairmanship and the banknote. When I get to the last page, I pause.

“Can you lie to me?”

“About,” he whispers, which makes me look up at him.

When I see the emotion on Julian's face, I have to force the words out, “Can you tell me you love me, and that you’re proud of me?”

He clenches his jaw and glances to the windows.

He can’t even lie to me.

I try to suppress the sob and quickly scribble my signature on the dotted line then get up and leave the suite.

I jog down the hallway and slam the button for the elevator as I struggle to hold back the tears. Tipping my head, I watch the numbers blur, and the first tear falls as the doors slide open. I step inside, and when I press the button for the ground floor, I see Julian come out of the suite.

“Falcon, wait!”

I watch him run towards me as the doors begin to slide closed, not stopping them.

I’m so tired, Julian.

I can’t fight you anymore.

The doors close right before Julian reaches the elevator.

“Goodbye, Julian,” I whisper.

Instead of the elevator starting its descent, the doors slide open again, and Julian rushes inside. His body slams into mine, and his arms wrap around me.

His breaths are coming fast as he tightens his grip on me. “I’m sorry.” I close my eyes and press my mouth to his shoulder as a cry rips through me. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers again.

I stand in my brother’s arms and cry for everything I’ve lost, everything I never had, and everything I will never have.

“I love you, Falcon.”

My heart aches from hearing the words. It’s a physical pain, but healing at the same time.

I wrap my arms around him and grab hold of his jacket.

“I’m so proud of you, Falcon.”

When the doors begin to close again, Julian stops it. With an arm around my shoulders, he pulls me out of the elevator.

We walk back to the suite, and after he shuts the door behind us, he asks, “Why did you sign the contract?”

Using my palms, I wipe my face. “CRC can’t be a part of my life if I want to keep Layla.”

“Do you care so much about her?”

I nod, and meeting his eyes, I say the words out loud for the first time, “I love her. I love every single thing about her. She’s…” I smile because there’s only one word to describe her. “She’s color.”

“If she means that much to you, I’ll support you.”

“Do you really mean that?”

His mouth curves into a warm smile, the same one he used to have when we were kids. “I really mean it.”

He walks over to the side table and pours two tumblers of whiskey. “Have a drink with me.”

Stepping closer, I take the glass from him, and he holds his up, toasting, “To surviving the curse of being a Reyes.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” I agree.

“Let’s sit.” He walks over to the sofa, and as I take the seat across from him, he asks, “So how much do you need to start the business? Have you drawn up plans?”

I let out a burst of laughter.

Always the businessman.Chapter 21LaylaWorried about Falcon, I go sit outside our building on the pavement and stare up the road. For the hundredth time, I think about calling him, but not wanting to interrupt something important, I hold myself back.

Lights come up the road and hoping it’s Falcon, I get up. My hope fizzles away when a black Rolls Royce pulls up in front of the dorm.

I step back to the entrance, and watch as the driver gets out and walking around the car, he opens the back door.

When he looks at me and gestures inside the car, I frown.

“Mr. Reyes would like a word with you.”

“Me?” I point to my chest as shock ripples through me.

How did he even know I was sitting out here?

Are they watching us now?

Cautiously I step closer and peek into the car.

Mr. Reyes is busy reading a newspaper, as he says, “Spare me a minute, Miss Shepard.”

Tags: Michelle Heard Trinity Academy Billionaire Romance