Page 48 of Bound to Submit

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“Kenna!” She hopped off of the stool, and they embraced. “And you must be Griffin,” she said.

“Nice to meet you, Sierra.” His smile was devastating as he held out his hand.

“Nope. I’m a hugger,” Sierra said, making Griffin chuckle as he yielded to her sister.

Then the waitress led them to their table. When Griffin wasn’t looking, Sierra turned to her with a very clear Oh my God! expression on her face. So Kenna wasn’t the only one who’d found that smile devastating. And that ass. And those shoulders...

She chuckled as they took their seats.

The conversation was easy and fun, and the food was great. Sierra and Griffin quickly fell into cahoots against her, threatening to swap embarrassing stories and teasing her relentlessly. But Kenna adored it, actually. She loved how well they were already getting along, like they’d known each other for years.

“Make Kenna tell you about her job offer,” Griffin said, still so proud of her.

“What?” Sierra nearly shouted, her fajita halfway to her mouth. “You got a job?”

“No,” she said, smirking at Griffin, who looked too pleased with himself to much care. “I put in an application somewhere today.”

“Yeah, after the Director specifically invited her to apply and told her he thought she’d be great for it.” He sipped at his margarita and eyeballed her over the rim.

She smirked harder. “But I still have to interview and everything. It’s not a foregone conclusion.” But, God, she wanted it. She really, really wanted it. Despite the fact that it would be a forty-five minute commute. And despite the fact that wanting anything right now still hit her with bouts of anxiety that came out of nowhere.

“Well, I say Griffin’s right. This sounds just about as good as it could sound.” She put down her fajita and raised her glass. “To Kenna and her almost new job.”

“I’ll toast to that,” Griffin said, raising his glass, too.

Finally, Kenna raised hers, and they clinked. The sweet, cold cocktail was delicious. “Fingers, toes, and legs are crossed,” she said.

Griffin’s eyebrow arched way up, and she nearly laughed because she was sure she could hear his internal commentary on that one from across the table.

And then Sierra caught whiff of it and saw Griffin’s expression before he schooled it, and she totally burst out laughing like a lunatic. “I think you should just go with fingers and toes, hon,” she managed around her cackles.

Kenna’s cheeks went hot, even as she couldn’t help but chuckle, too.

Griffin grinned and nodded. “Fingers and toes are much better.”

Later, in the car on the way home, with happiness and two rare cocktails flowing through her, Kenna’s joy made her so damn horny that she couldn’t stop shifting her legs. The second they got in the door of her apartment, she was gonna climb him and ride him until neither of them had bones left in their legs.

“You’re killing me, Kenna,” Griffin said from behind the wheel of the sleek Audi A7.

Her eyes flashed to him. “What?” she asked, though she could hear her arousal in her voice. No doubt he could, too.

“You turned on and it’s driving me insane.” He cut a knowing look her way.

“I can’t help it. You make me want you.”

“Fuck, baby. That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. Push your pants and panties down and make yourself come. I want to watch. I want to hear you. I want my car to fucking smell like you.”

A thrill shot through her, and she did as he told her. She slid down in her seat and let her knees fall open, and then she touched her pussy, her fingers immediately finding evidence of just how turned on she was.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath. They came to a stop at a light. “Finger yourself for me.” She did, throwing her head back on a moan.

“Christ, Kenna. I don’t know how I’m gonna wait to get in you.” He adjusted the bulge in the front of his jeans.

“Keep touching yourself like that,” she whispered. “Squeeze your cock and think about fucking me while I masturbate for you.” The groan he unleashed added urgency to the sensations spiraling between her legs.

Tags: Laura Kaye Erotic