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“Why wouldn’t you want it?”

That was just it … I did want the job but discussing it with Evelyn distracted her from my other issues.

Your friend has cancer.

I feel her depression.

If she suffers … I will suffer too.

If you find out I lied to you, it will be worse than any amount of physical pain.

“It’s a lot more responsibility.”

That was true.

“So you might have to work more hours?” she asked, sipping her coffee.

No. Same number of hours, just more things to do in those hours. And less time on the slopes. That sucked … unless I had to deal with symptoms of leukemia.

“I’m not sure yet, but that’s a possibility.” I finished my coffee and took my cup to the sink.

“Well, I’m good with whatever you decide. Since rent isn’t an issue, I can see about Sophie working more hours or hiring another employee so I can be here for the kids more often.”

I grabbed my water bottle and my keys. “I appreciate that, babe.” Before slipping on my shoes, I leaned over the back of the sofa and nuzzled Franz’s neck. “I love you, big stuff. Have a great first day of school. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

He giggled and wiggled away from my overly aggressive affection. “Okay … I will.”

While slipping on my shoes, I crooked a finger at my wife. She pushed back in her chair and granted my request.

“I’m sorry.” I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her flush to my body, stealing her heat, and inhaling her flowery soap scent. “Tomorrow I’ll put on the concert. And I won’t worry about this job. They haven’t even offered it to me yet.” Ignoring the ringing in my ears and the headache pulsing my left eye, I presented a happy face to my wife because she deserved it. On my worst day, she deserved my best smile.

“Don’t ever apologize for feeling stressed.” Evie kissed along my jaw and up my chin to rest her lips against mine. “Have a wonderful day.” When she kissed me, I tried to focus only on the kiss, not the clawing discontent and unavoidable feeling of hopelessness.

“You too.”

After work, I attended a meeting, choosing to sit a few rows behind Adrianne Craig. I didn’t know all the details of her sordid past, just that many women, including my wife, thought she was the Devil. People changed. I hated judging the Adrianne I knew based on her past. After all, everyone in that room had a less-than-perfect past or else we wouldn’t have been there supporting each other through recovery and sobriety.

“Wait up, Ronin!” Adrianne jogged behind me as I fished the keys from my pocket on the way to my Subaru.

“Hey.” I turned just as she caught up to me. “What’s up?”

“I have a friend who’s looking for a ski patrol position. You wouldn’t happen to know if there will be any spots available where you work, would you?” She curled her black hair behind her ears and wrinkled her nose.

“Maybe. I’ll look into it and let you know.”

“I’d really appreciate that. Give me your phone, and I’ll add my number to your contacts.”

I slid my phone out of my pocket, unlocked the screen, and handed it to her. She stared at the home screen for a few seconds. It was a picture of Evie and the kids at the kitchen table making cookies. “How did you meet your wife?” She opened my contacts and typed in her information.

“We met at a cafe in Vancouver the day before I moved here. She was traveling with her friends.”

“Fate, huh?”

I shrugged. “I’d like to think so.”

She handed my phone back to me. “Lucky lady.” She wet her lips before giving me a flirty grin. At least it looked flirty. I wasn’t sure. Evelyn sharing Adrianne’s past had tainted my mind. Maybe it wasn’t anything more than a friendly smile.

“I’m the lucky one.”

“Funny …” She crossed her arms over her chest, lifting and exposing more of her cleavage in the deep V-neck of her tight white tee. “I never would have taken you for the guy who settled down and started a family. When you’ve spoken of your past—your love of adventure, a true wanderer—I would have taken you for the eternal playboy. A repeat offender in the heartbreak department.”

“Yeah, well, that was the case before Evie.”

She took a step closer, twisting her lips while plucking an invisible hair from the shoulder of my shirt. “My theory is: once a heartbreaker, always a heartbreaker. She may have tamed you for a while, but your instinct to break free and seek a new adventure will surface, and you won’t be able to suppress it. You’ll resent the one thing you never thought possible to resent.”

“What’s that?” I furrowed my brow, taking a step backward.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Life Duet Romance