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Before I could respond, he planted a solid kiss on my mouth, something our kids saw on a regular basis. But Graham didn’t get to see it very often. And I wanted—needed—him to see it. So when Ronin started to pull away, I grabbed his shirt and jerked him back to me. No tongue or anything inappropriate in front of the kids. Just a good, solid, I-love-this-man-and-he-loves-me kiss.

“Get a room.”

I grinned against Ronin’s mouth for a second before releasing him and turning toward Lila’s voice.

“We could.” I laughed. “Or ten. You have enough of them.”

She fetched a plate and put food on it for Anya. Our friends would be good parents. Maybe having their own kids would force Graham to fall in line and embrace the blessings in his life, treat me in an appropriate way, and fix all the pieces that felt broken at that moment.


“Now I feel underdressed.” I frowned at Lila, who usually showcased her perfect curvy body in a chic bikini. Not that day. She wore board shorts and a swim top. “Where’s your bikini?”

She shrugged, cutting up grapes for Anya. “I had several moles removed from my back last week, and I’m not supposed to expose the area to the sun.”

“Bandage them,” I suggested, stealing a grape and popping it into my mouth while Graham set out more plates of food, mumbling something to Ronin like “eat up.”

“I have to lather sunscreen on my back, and then the bandages don’t stick. I know you like how I look in a bikini, but you’ll just have to wait until my back has healed.”

Graham laughed. Ronin seemed to ignore the whole conversation. And Lila cracked a tiny smile, giving me a quick glance.

I held onto my frown in spite of my desire to smile back at my friend cracking a joke. Lila had a knack for covering the truth, no matter how grim it was, with her own brand of humor. Much like myself, she could cover tragedy and sadness with a wicked smile and a dose of untimely humor. Ever since the accident, I felt like something broke Lila’s spirit. On my birthday, she came to life again, but that was just the alcohol or maybe it was just a cover-up. Fake happiness.

However, we were in the Hamptons to have fun, so I put a lid on the scrutinizing and decided to make the most of our time there.

“I do like you in a bikini, but I’m good with you covering up for a few days. Less competition for attention on the beach. This forty-year-old mom needs all the catcalls she can get. Enjoy your thirties while they last … for the next six months.”

“No. You don’t need the attention.” Ronin glanced up from his plate of food, leaned against the counter, giving GQ Graham a run for his money. There was a lot of sexiness in the kitchen that day.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Mommy!” Franz giggled, sticking his tongue out at Ronin as well.

My husband rolled his eyes at me. “Nice role modeling, babe.”

“I try.”

“Margo can make us lunch. She should be back soon.” Graham pulled the barstool out from under the island and sat beside Franz’s dangling legs, giving the bottom of his bare foot a tickle until Franz jerked on a giggle.

“I think this spread is plenty.” I laughed, gesturing to the buffet of food Graham arranged on the island.

“Do you paddle board?” Graham asked Ronin.

“Yes,” he answered without elaboration or much enthusiasm in his voice.

Something was up with him. I just didn’t know what it could be.

“Lila is amazing at it.” Graham winked at her.

She returned a small smile.

“I bet Franz will be a natural too, unlike his mom.”

“Baiting me in front of my kids where I can’t properly defend myself is not fair, Graham Cracker.” It just came out. I hadn’t called him that in a while. And it felt good.

“Graham Cracker?” Franz laughed.

“Sorry.” I smirked. “Franz, we’re supposed to call him Governor Graham Cracker.”

More giggles ensued.

Lila kept herself occupied, helping Anya eat her snacks while Ronin pulled out a stool and took a seat as well. I wedged my way between Ronin’s body and the counter, perching my ass on his shorts-clad leg.

He pressed his left hand to my bare abdomen and fed me a strawberry with his right hand. After I chewed a bite, I twisted toward him, giving him a narrow-eyed inspection. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I whispered.

His gaze shot over my shoulder to everyone else, studying them for several seconds before relinquishing a tiny nod.

We left the food out for Margo, Graham’s and Lila’s cook, to put away so we could soak up some sun. I offered to stay on the beach and play with Anya while everyone else paddle boarded. Graham was right. Franz stood right up and kept his balance, although he seemed to enjoy sitting on it, letting Ronin paddle him around.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Life Duet Romance