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“I don’t need you to watch after me.”


“Come on.”

“Absolutely not. It’s too dangerous.”

“Dangerous? Where are you going? Looking for ghosts in the ghetto?”

Luke sighed. “The answer is no. No now. No tomorrow. No if you ask me a million more times.”

“You’re no fun.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“I’m not going to watch Jones for you.”

“I’m not asking you to. Eve has agreed to watch him.”

“I think you’re taking advantage of your secretary.”

“Probably, but she loves Jones, maybe more than me, so I don’t feel bad about asking her.”

“So you’re just going to leave me by myself this weekend.”

“I’m sure Charlie will indulge you in a movie or some female-bonding thing.”

Lake shrugged, a pout stealing her full lips. “I’m trying to give Charlie some space. I think being around me reminds her of you.”

Luke’s brow furrowed. “I’m sorry. That’s one of the main reasons I hesitated getting involved with her. I didn’t want anything to happen to your friendship.” It was a half-truth. Jessica was the biggest reason for his reservations about a relationship with Charlie or anyone else.

“It’s fine. I’m actually comforted by the fact that my brilliant psychiatrist brother is messed-up in the head. It makes the rest of us feel less crazy for having a human side.”

“Next weekend. I’ll go home with you then. Okay?”

“Deal.” Lake stood, taking an extra moment to gain her balance.

He walked around the desk and hugged her. “I am messed-up and yes, the whole ‘human side’ really sucks.”

“I love you, Luke. You’re still my idol.”

“Thanks. But I think you need to set your role model standards a bit higher than me.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“I had Eve reschedule my patients for next week so I don’t feel rushed. It depends on what I find and how soon I find it.”

Her. It depended on how soon he found her.


Luke boarded the plane for Chicago. It was the safest destination to take by plane. He would pay cash for a rental car and drive to Omaha where he would pay cash for a hotel. Jude/Jackson was his ticket to finding Jessica. Luke didn’t buy his claim that he couldn’t find her.

“Sir, we’re experiencing a slight delay. Can I get you something to drink while we wait?” the flight attendant asked.

“I’m fine. Thank you.” He tipped his head back and closed his eyes. The 6:00 a.m. flight was always a bitch.

A while later the flight attendants began their pre-flight instructions to the passengers. Luke opened his eyes and stared out the window as they taxied down the runway, waiting in line to be cleared for takeoff.

“So Chicago, huh? I’ve never been. This should be fun.”


Luke whipped around in his seat to blue eyes that mirrored his. Lake smiled, pink Beats covering her ears.

“What the hell are you doing?”

The older gentleman sitting next to her scowled at Luke.

“I thought I’d surprise you. No one really likes to travel alone.”

“You can’t be here.”

She laughed. “We’ll be in the air in less than sixty seconds. I think I’m here to stay.”

“The second we land in Chicago we’re getting you a ticket right back home.”

“Um … okay, Dad.” She rolled her eyes.

“Sir, I need you to face forward. We’re getting ready to take off.”

Luke turned back around. Rage filled his mind. Lake would get a proper ass-chewing as soon as they landed in Chicago. Then he’d put her back on a plane.

He slipped on his own headphones to block out the sound of her gabbing with the passenger next to her. The girl could chat it up with anyone. It would be a long flight.

As soon as they exited the plane, he grabbed her arm.

“Ticket counter. Now.”

She tugged out of his grasp. “I’m an adult, Luke. You can’t tell me what to do.”

“Have it your way.” He marched past her. If she wanted to see Chicago, she could see Chicago. He had a rental car to get, and then he would head back west to Omaha.

“Luke! Stop!”

He stopped, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth.

“What the hell? I get it. You didn’t want me to come. But I’m here. You can’t just leave me.”

“I told you it’s not safe for you to be here.”

“What does that mean? You think I’m going to get mugged or raped? I’m not going to wander the streets alone at night. You can do your thing during the day and I’ll do mine. We can meet up for dinner. I promise I won’t be a burden.”

“I love you and that’s why you can’t stay. You have to trust me on this. I’m begging you, please just go back home.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “No.”

“Enjoy Michigan Avenue. I’ll see you back in San Francisco.” He continued on, setting a pace he knew she couldn’t keep.

Thirty seconds later he turned to the sound of commotion behind him.

“Dammit!” he jogged back to Lake.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Jack & Jill Romance