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Jessica had two parents, Luke, and a brother that loved her. Jillian had the memories of a dead lover, a brother that had lost the last breath of his humanity, and a feeling of certainty that Luke hated her. How could he possibly not?



A small horse disguised as a black and white Great Dane sat next to the bed like a statue—a drooling statue. Jessica peeked open one eye, puckering her lips to blow Jones a kiss as she reached for the birthday boy.

Naughty intentions curled the corners of her lips—lips that she wanted to wrap around the world’s most beautiful cock. She never imagined thinking of a penis as beautiful, until Luke. Everything about him screamed beautiful, perfect, and slightly anal-retentive … in a sexy way. She loved early-morning-mussed-hair Luke, but during their nearly two years together, she’d also come to crave the stunning, polished man in a suit. He bled authority, control, and an overall fuck-me vibe.

Her hand found smooth, folded sheets and a fluffed pillow. Jackknifing to sitting, she frowned at his side of the bed with its military-style order: sheets pulled tight and tucked under his side, the top folded down a perfect six inches with no sign of wrinkles.


Swinging her feet to the side, she landed nose to nose with Jones. She loved the beast of a dog, but he had a knack for always being in the way.

“You have got to control that drooling problem of yours.” Her face wrinkled as her foot landed in a pool of drool on the wood floor.

No Luke in the bathroom. Her beastly shadow followed her to the kitchen. No Luke in the kitchen.

“Luke.” A soft sigh floated past her lips, being pushed out by the swelling of her heart.

She grabbed the card on the counter next to a gardenia bonsai with three perfect white blooms.

Did you know I wake up early just to watch you sleep? It’s how I start each day with purpose. You remind my eyes to see, my lungs to breathe, my heart to beat. Then again … sometimes I feel blinded by your beauty, breathless to your touch, paralyzed by your love.

I know what I want for my birthday, but I had to go into the office to deal with a sticky situation. Meet me for lunch at my office at one. (Yes, I’m lifting the office ban for one day.) ~Luke

“Lunch at Daddy’s office. What do you think of that, Jonesy?”

Jones tilted his head.

Jessica bent down and kissed him. “Don’t worry. You’re invited too.”

After a shower and breakfast with Jones, Jessica sent off a text to Luke.

Jessica: On R way. We’re walking. Gardenia bonsai *sigh* UR my whole

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Jack & Jill Romance