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Tom wrapped his arm around Felicity as silent sobs shook her body. But Luke … he said every word without an ounce of emotion, eyes locked to Jessica’s the whole time.

“Fran had his baby?” Jessica whispered.

Luke shook his head. “Nope. While he positioned his newly purchased forty-five at his temple, Fran was off having an abortion and then she planned on ending it with him because she still wanted to marry me. I’ve always wondered whose heart stopped first … his or his baby’s.” He blinked slowly several times. “I think you can guess why Fran and I didn’t work out. We both had blood on our hands.”

“Luke,” Jessica said but no other words came out.

“Anyway, I started college majoring in business. After my first year I switched to pre-med, inspired by my work as a firefighter. Psychiatry has been my own personal quest to figure out why, even in my plastered state, I thought death was a fair payback for cheating. And even more than that … what makes a person give up absolutely everything because he broke some sort of bro code.”

He stood and before completely unfolding himself from the chair, he kissed Jessica on the cheek. “That’s everything, my love,” he whispered over her skin before he turned and walked out of the dining room.

The slam of the front door felt like a book closing at the end of the final chapter.

“Luke made his peace with Francesca after Levi’s funeral. It wasn’t pretty, but it was final. Even though he doesn’t blame her, she’s been dead to him for years. If she dies, maybe he’ll feel some sort of peace that Levi’s been reunited with the woman he loved and the mother of his child. But Luke doesn’t need to see her.”

Jessica heard every word Felicity said, but she couldn’t determine if they were words of wisdom or those of a mother trying to protect her child from any more pain.


Luke stood at the end of the dock, squinting against the cool, numbing breeze as the sun set behind a scattering of clouds suspended in the orangish-purple sky. He missed Levi every damn day.

New bro code: save the bro, kill the ho.

Levi would have laughed at that. He had the best sense of humor. The guy actually giggled like a girl. Luke gave him shit about it, but secretly he loved watching Levi laugh. At the same time, he was a total idiot—missing half of his classes to watch The Simpsons and lift weights. Levi looked like an ironman. He claimed muscles and an accent was all it took to get the ladies. Fran certainly helped prove his point.

“That blood on your hands …”

Luke sucked in a quick breath as Jessica’s voice drew near.

“… it never disappears. At best, you might be like me and find someone who loves you so completely that they see past that blood to the naked, untainted flesh beneath it.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her cheek against his back.

He squeezed her hands. “I figured you’d be like everyone else and try to convince me that I’m not responsible for Levi’s death.”

“I suppose I should, but we both know I’m not like everyone else.”

“Amen to that.” He turned, holding her like the lifeline she was while releasing a long breath.

“Why didn’t you just tell me all of that a long time ago?”

“I would have, had our relationship not started out as doctor/patient. You were my focus and I needed you to trust and respect me enough to let me help you. I felt like sharing the weakest moment … the darkest time of my life would lessen my credibility as a psychiatrist.”

“But you told me to ask you anything.”

“I did.”


“Because you trusting me as the man who adores you beyond words has become more important to me than your opinion of Dr. Jones.”

“I think you overestimated my opinion of Dr. Jones.”

“I think you eat men’s egos for breakfast.”

Jessica smiled, looking up at him for a few seconds before it reversed into a frown. “I was rude to your parents. I think I need to apologize.”

“We were all rude to you.”

She took his hand, pulling him toward the house. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“Of course not … you were too busy planning your holiday getaway with your lover on his private island.”

She whipped around. “So you were paying attention.”

“I’m always paying attention … but only half of the things you say to me deserve a response.” He jerked his hand from hers then gave her a playful body check. She stumbled a few steps to the side.

“First one to the house gets to swim naked in the lake tonight,” he said, sprinting to the house.

“Dammit, Jones! You did not just shove me.”

He’d fallen hard for a fiery little woman, but he knew without looking back, she chased his ass with a huge grin on her face. Even if he didn’t die with her, he’d die loving her.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Jack & Jill Romance