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Adam slides my skirt up to my waist and pushes into me. I’m dying to feel him inside of me. “Are we going to do it on the table?”

He shakes his head, smirking devilishly. “Not tonight. No, right now, it’s time for my appetizer. Tomorrow, I’ll enjoy the main course.”

His hands snake up my waist to the hem of my sweater. He lifts it off and unclasps my bra, tossing them both to the floor. Dipping his finger in the whipped cream, he traces it over my nipples. I wait in anticipation for his tongue to lick it off. The second he traces his tongue over my breasts, I suck in a breath. My toes curl and I moan. His teeth nips my sensitive flesh and all I want to do is beg for more.

“That feels so good,” I moan.

He ravages my nipples and I’m so close to losing control, especially with the way he pushes his hips into mine, his cock straining against his pants. The friction against my clit is too much to handle.

Adam chuckles and pulls back just as my orgasm starts to build. Keeping his eyes on mine, he scoots me further onto the table and lifts my legs onto his shoulders. He pushes my underwear to the side and buries his face into my center. My body clenches as he licks my clit and fucks me with his tongue. My orgasm builds again, and I slam my hands on the table, biting my lip to keep from screaming.

He groans and picks up his pace. “You taste so damn good. I’m not stopping until you come.”

“Oh, my God,” I cry out, clenching the sides of the table. My release comes swiftly, and I scream out his name. When everything subsides, he swipes his tongue over my clit one more time.

He stands above me and smiles. “Now that was the most amazing appetizer I’ve ever had.” Taking my hand, he helps me up. “I should probably go. You need your rest.”

I shake my head. “I think I need something else.”

Adam picks up my sweater off the floor and winks. “Tomorrow.” He kisses me on the cheek and smiles at me one more time before walking out the door. Tomorrow it is then. Holy hell, I can’t wait to finish what we started.

The sun has only been up for a short while, and my thoughts keep straying to Adam. I would’ve given anything to have him stay with me last night, but if he did, I’d be exhausted right now, and I know I need all the energy I can muster to get through the day. My staff and I are busy setting up our booth for the Taste of Chicago and it’s already getting hot. In just a couple of hours, the streets will be swarming with people. One year, the event had around three million visitors. I’ve always attended the event, but this is my first year as a vendor. Once we’re done setting up, I’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Until then, it’s go time. I can’t rest until I know everything is perfect.

“How did your date go last night?” Camryn asks, trying her best not to give me that I know what you did last night grin. Little does she know that did not happen. Although, I am running off of little sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, my thoughts strayed to Adam.

“My date went great,” I say, smoothing out the tablecloth on our showcase table. “And we only ate and talked. Afterwards, he helped me clean and get things ready for today.” It’s the truth. I only left out the oral sex on the kitchen table part.

Camryn giggles. “Did you kiss?”

I roll my eyes. “Maybe.”

“But you wanted more, am I right?”

“Wanted more of what?” Katy asks, waggling her eyebrows as she comes up to join me. She runs her hands over the part of the tablecloth I already smoothed out. “I was hoping you’d call to dish about Adam.” She moves in closer, keeping her voice low. “Please tell me you got some sexy time in?”

My cheeks start to burn. “What is this, twenty questions? Get back to work.” We all three laugh and I turn around to see the rest of my staff trying to hide their smiles. “I didn’t realize my love life was so interesting.”

Noah walks out of our food truck and chuckles. “It is when we haven’t seen you date.” He walks over and bumps me with his shoulder. “We like seeing you smile. A happy boss is a good thing.”

“Is everything good to go in there?” I ask, nodding at the truck.

Noah beams. “We’re all set for today. I have the sliders and pork chops ready to go. The salad is in the refrigerator along with the chocolate mousse. And we’re serving the peach cobbler warm.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Dating Romance