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During high school, she gotten used to ha**ng s*x in cars, but this was taking it to a whole new level. Somehow without being able to see him in the small confines of the plane’s backseat, she rolled the condom down Pesh’s length. When she felt his hardness pressing against her core, she widened her legs as far as she could in the cramped quarters. With one quick thrust, he was buried deep inside her. She gripped his shoulders, pushing against him to keep from knocking back into the seat. Considering where they were, there was no time for soft and sweet. Instead, the sounds in the air were of skin slapping together as Pesh’s movements were frantic against her. She loved every delicious minute of it, and it wasn’t too long before she felt herself going over the edge. Her nails raked over his back as she screamed his name. With her walls milking Pesh’s erection, he came with a shout, crushing her body with his.

Just when she thought she couldn’t breathe, he jerked back. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she replied. She cupped his cheek. “Really good now, thanks to you.”

He gave her the shy smile of his that warmed her all over. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Um, Dr. Nadeen?” someone called outside the plane.

“Oh shit,” he muttered, as he slid out of her body. As he went about ridding himself of the condom and jerking his pants up, he called, “Yeah, Trace?”

“I was just concerned about you considering you landed a few minutes ago and hadn’t deplaned. And then there was a lot of knocking going on inside the plane.”

Megan’s hand flew over her mouth as she started giggling uncontrollably. It probably didn’t help that as Trace was talking, she had noticed that the windows of the plane were fogged up.

“I appreciate your concern, Trace. I was just checking on some post-flight issues. I’ll be out in just a moment.”

As Pesh finished and climbed into the front seat, Megan hurried to get her jeans up. Once she had them buttoned and zipped, she smoothed down her hair that had to look like she had just been f**ked against an airplane seat. She slid into the passenger seat to find that Pesh had opened the driver’s side and was talking to Trace.

Trace’s gaze left Pesh’s and came to hers. It took only a few seconds for him to put two and two together of what had actually been going on. He slowly started backing away from the plane. “Yeah, well, you two have a nice day then,” he said.

“Same to you,” Megan called, trying not to start giggling again.

Pesh shook his head as he hopped down out of the plane. “Come on. Let’s go before we get in any more trouble.”

“But getting in trouble is so much fun,” Megan protested, as she opened her door.

He grinned at her as he came around to meet her. “You, my lovely, are a very bad influence.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her close to him. “But I’m grateful for every moment I have with you.”

“Mmm, you know just how to flatter a girl,” she said, before kissing him.

After a few heated moments, Pesh pulled away. “Considering this hanger has security cameras, let’s not totally give them all our secrets today.”

Megan squealed and covered her mouth. “Did they…can they…?”

“Not inside the backseat.”

She exhaled with relief. “Thank goodness.”

He laughed. “Come on, little troublemaker. Let’s go get something to eat.”

“Sounds good to me.” With a wink, she added, “Especially if there’s dessert!”

Chapter Sixteen

A few days after her flying adventure and partial induction in the mile high club, Megan had started to take a few scripts to the pharmacy when she was yanked by the arm and dragged into an examining room. “What the?” she began, as the door was slammed behind her.

Instead of Pesh before her, it was Kristi. “I need to have a word with you.”

Anxiety bubbled in Megan’s chest, and she had to take a few deep breaths before she could speak. “Have I done something wrong with a patient?”

Kristi shook her head. “Oh no, this has everything to do with Dr. Nadeen.”

Megan’s brows shot up in surprise. “Pesh? What’s wrong with him?”

“It’s not what is wrong with him. It’s what is wrong with you.”

Megan gulped. “Me?”

Kristi nodded. “I really like you, Megan, but I am worried that you are just playing him. It is cruel. He doesn’t deserve it.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Please don’t play coy. Not only do I have two daughters around your age, but I’ve spent enough time working with women to have a pretty good insight into the female mind. So, I’ll ask once again, what are you doing?”

Megan squirmed under the heat of Kristi’s stare. If anyone found out that she and Pesh were hooking up, it could be very bad for her nursing career. “We’re friends. He’s my cousin’s godfather.”

Kristi rolled her eyes. “Fine. Let me speak as freely as I can since you insist on playing dumb. I don’t give two shits if you and Pesh are screwing all over this hospital—”

Megan was unable to contain her loud gasp. “Excuse me, but I—”

Now it was Kristi’s turn to interrupt. She held up her hands. “Let me finish please.”

“Fine,” Megan muttered.

“I realize that deep down he’s just a man, and after going a long time without sex, it was probably a little easier for him to give in to just a causal relationship with you. But I’ve worked by his side for seven years, so I have a pretty good handle on what he’s truly feeling.”

“Oh really?” Megan countered, unable to stop herself from being snarky.

“Yes, I do. That man loves you with every fiber of his being.”

Those words caused Megan’s steely resolve to fade. She couldn’t help staggering a bit on her feet. She knew that Pesh liked her—I mean, any fool could see that. But love? “H-He does?”

“Oh yeah, he does. He’s been holding a candle for you since the moment you walked in here. I saw it the first day I introduced you two. I don’t know what has happened since that day, but I know something has changed for you, too.”

“It’s true that I care about him. He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever known.”

“Then what the hell is the problem?”

Tags: Katie Ashley The Proposition Erotic