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“Mmm,” she murmured, as he continued rubbing against her. One of her hands abandoned his shoulder and slid down his back to squeeze his ass.

His fingers jerked her hair back, pulling her lips back from his. He gazed into her heavy lidded eyes before his mouth dipped to her neck. His tongue slid up her jugular, feeling her racing pulse. “So you’ll let me inside your body but not your heart?” he demanded.

“Yes. Please Pesh.”

Now that he had her right where he wanted her, it was time to put his plan into motion. “If I give you an orgasm, you’ll have to go on a date with me.”

Her eyes widened through her panting. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, but I am. Give and take, Megan. I give you what you want—” He paused in his thrusts to let his fingers dip into the waist band of her scrubs. Through the thin scrap of her thong, his hand caressed her, causing her to whimper. “Which is to explode in bliss.”

As he continued stroking her, she hissed in a breath as she glared at him. “You want me pretty bad, don’t you, Megan?” he asked, as his fingertips felt of her growing moisture.

Her fingernails dug into his shoulders. “Yes. God, yes, I do.”

“So let me give you this pleasure. I want nothing more than to see you come apart.” He licked his lips. “Then you’ll let me take you out.”

Her eyelids fluttered, and she bit down on her lip. He could tell she was internally raging war with herself about what to do. As his fingers sped up their tempo against her clit, her head fell back against the wall. “You don’t play fair,” she groaned.

He momentarily eased his hand off of her. “I don’t want to play games with you at all, but you leave me no choice.” He lowered his head to kiss her again. “All I want is you,” he murmured.

“Fine, fine.”

“Fine what?” he questioned, as he looked her in the eye.

“Make me come, and I’ll go out on a date with you.”

He smiled before easing her back onto her feet. When he sank to his knees before her, Megan’s brows furrowed in confusion. He then gripped the waistband of her scrubs. He eased them down, along with her panties, never taking his eyes off hers. When he had them down to her ankles, he rose back up. Grabbing her by the waist, he shifted her to the side where she bumped into the counter. He gripped her h*ps once again and raised her up to where her butt rested on the cool Formica. He slid her pants and thong over her shoes, letting the drop into floor below him.

He was so far gone with desire that he didn’t stop to think how long it had been since he had gone down on a woman. He pushed the voices out of his head when they reminded him of how Jade had teasingly called his tongue a master of orgasms. Instead, he focused on the beautiful, panting woman before him as she widened her legs invitingly for him.

When he slid his tongue slowly up Megan’s wet slit, they both shuddered. He took one of her legs and propped her foot on his shoulder, so he could get better access to her while he pushed her other thigh further open. Her pink, glistening center was laid out beautifully before him. As his tongue flicked and teased her swollen clit, Megan threw her head back and moaned. His lips closed over her clit, sucking it hard. Her h*ps began to rock back and forth. He knew it wasn’t going to take him long to make her come—she was too ready for this. It had been a long time for her as well.

He resisted using his fingers. Instead, he spread her apart and then thrust his tongue rhythmically inside her. Megan’s cries grew louder to where he brought his hand up and clamped it over her lips. The last thing they needed was someone banging on the door. As he felt her walls tensing, she reached out to twist her fingers in his hair. He welcomed the pain as she went over the edge, convulsing and screaming against his hand. When Megan’s walls finishing clenching and pulsing, Pesh removed his tongue from inside her. He placed butterfly kisses against her core and then on the insides of her thighs.

When he finally glanced up, he found Megan staring at him, a combustive mix of emotions swirling in her blue eyes. “That was…”

Smiling, he rose up from the floor. His hands gently came to her waist. He was just about to pull her down when she stopped him. “Don’t. I can’t even feel my legs right now.”

He brushed her hair back from her face. “It has been a long time, hasn’t it?”

She shook her head. “How about never has it been like that.”

He couldn’t help staring at her incredulously. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, that I’ve never gotten off like that.” She gave him a sheepish grin. “At least not with a man.”

At her insinuation, he felt warmth enter his face. “Are you blushing about me mentioning masturbating?”

“No, I’m not,” he protested feebly.

Megan laughed. “You really are something else, you know that?”

“I am?”

“Hell yes. One minute you’ve got your tongue buried inside me, giving me the most intense orgasm of my life, and then the next you’re blushing. It’s like you became another person a few minutes ago. You were forceful and domineering.” A shudder rippled through her as she raised her brows. “Do you always get like that when it comes to sex?”

Pesh felt even more warmth creeping into his cheeks. How she could talk so frankly without any pants on, he had no idea. “We should cover you up.”

“You were enjoying the view a few minutes ago.” She leaned over and winked at him. “A very up-close and personal view.”

He rubbed his hands over his face. “Honestly, I don’t know what came over me. I came in here to tell you I was sorry and that you wouldn’t have to worry about me coming on to you again.” And then all hell had broken loose. It was like he had been fried with the electrical current from the paddles on the crash cart. He’d decided to become another person to win her and damned if he had. Almost too easily for his liking. What had he said to her in the heat of the moment?

He stared intently at her. “All I could think of was how much I wanted you and what it would take to have you.”

“You really wanted me that much?” she asked, her brows rising in surprise.

“Yes, I did.”

With a coy smile, she scooted to the edge of the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him closer to her. “What about you?” she asked, as her hand cupped his erection through his pants.

Tags: Katie Ashley The Proposition Erotic