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Turning in her seat, she eyed him before licking her lips. “You don’t want me to say how you got me hot in a church? How you still get me hot acting all bashful about the sex talk?”

“Please. Just don’t.”

“Fine,” she muttered, before flouncing back in her seat. She didn’t speak to him for a long time. Instead, she closed her eyes and laid back with her head cushioned on the head rest. When the car started to slow, she snapped her eyes open. She didn’t know if she fell asleep or passed out. Sitting up, she peered out the window at the posh houses of the subdivision they were in.

As they pulled into the driveway, Megan couldn’t help staring up at the house. “Holy shit, this place is beautiful.”

Pesh chuckled. “Thank you.”

“I know you think it’s just the alcohol talking, but I’m serious. You have great taste.”

“I hope you’ll like the inside just as much.”

“I’m sure I will.”

After he came around to open the door, she hopped out of the car a little too fast. Her wobbly legs wavered, and she ended up crashing into Pesh’s chest. Staring up at him, she gave an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. Need some help?”

With the alcohol fueling her libido, she replied, “If it means having your hands on me, then sure.”

Pesh grimaced, but his arm still came around her waist to steady her. She loped along beside him. After he unlocked the door and punched in the alarm code, she followed him inside. Her blurry vision took in the expansive kitchen with his gleaming stainless steel appliances. She followed him as he made his way into the living room.

Motioning toward the couch, he said, “Why don’t you have a seat while I fix you some coffee?”

While it was a nice idea to sober herself up, she didn’t want any coffee. She just wanted Pesh. Grabbing the lapels of his suit coat, she pulled herself flush against him. “When did you put this back on?” she wondered aloud. She felt so tiny against his massive chest. It was a good feeling though—one of safety and protection. It also lit her even more on fire with lust. Cocking her head, she glanced up at him to survey his expression. Even in the semi-darkness, she could see his dark eyes burning with desire. She ran her hands up his chest to his neck. She tugged him down to where his face was inches from hers. Fortified with liquid courage, she brought her lips to his.

She couldn’t help the little moan that came from deep in her throat. Pesh’s mouth was warm, soft, and inviting. The brief connection made her want him all the more—for him to devour her. Tentatively, she slid her tongue across his bottom lip, beckoning him to open for her. Almost instantaneously, the warmth of his tongue met hers. They slid against each other, tasting, searching, and seeking. He gripped her face in his hands, holding her captive as his tongue plunged in and out of her mouth. Emma had been right—the man could kiss like there was no tomorrow. He knew when to be gentle with his mouth and then when to switch to more demanding, almost conquering kisses. If he could practically make her soak her panties with just a kiss, what the hell could he do with his dick?

As she started to feel lightheaded and weak on her legs, they stumbled over to the couch before Pesh collapsed back, taking her with him. Straddling his lap, she gazed at him momentarily before his mouth attacked hers again. As his tongue once again invaded her mouth, she began to raise her h*ps and grind against him. Groaning, he broke the kiss by throwing his head back. He gulped in long breaths of air like he was a dying man deprived of his last breath. She felt the same way.

She kissed a trail over his chin and down his neck. “Pesh, I want you,” she murmured into his skin.

His chest heaved up and down with her declaration as if he was finding it hard to breathe. She broke away to stare into his eyes. “Please.”

Chapter Five

Pesh couldn’t believe the delicious nightmare he found himself trapped in. A beautiful, sexy blonde writhed against him. The hem of Megan’s dress had ridden up to her hips, and a tiny scrap of lace underwear was the only thing covering her core as she rubbed herself against his crotch. Her heat and her arousal scorched through the fabric of his pants to singe the skin of his growing erection. He wanted nothing more than to flip her on her back, tear away the underwear, and plunge himself deep inside her. It had been so, so long since he had been within the tight walls of a woman. While his conscious railed against him for even entertaining the thought, his body was onboard.

“Please,” Megan whimpered, as she continued to rise and fall over his erection.

“We can’t…we shouldn’t.”

She ran her hands up his chest before wrapping them around his neck. “But I could make you feel good.”

“I’m sure you could.”

“And I know you could make me feel good, too. I’m already drenched just kissing you.” Her fingers raked through his hair, tugging desperately on the strands. “I need this, and you need this.”

His body was completely onboard with how much he needed her. If she pressed any closer to him, she was going to set him off and make him do something he hadn’t since he was a teenager, which was come in his pants. But his once hazy mind was starting to refocus and overpower the desire pumping through his body. He could not and would not take her when she was drunk. It was completely against his character. He’d never taken advantage of a woman, and he never would.

He gazed into her hooded eyes. “But it would be so very wrong.”

Her lip trembled. “Don’t you want me?”

“Yes, without a doubt.”

“Then why won’t you have sex with me?”

“Because you’re inebriated.”

She rolled her eyes in a huff. “You’re sooo proper, aren’t you? A proper gentleman.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “If not taking advantage of you in your state of intoxication makes me a gentleman, then I suppose I am. What kind of man would I be to take you now only to have you wake up with regret and remorse?”

“The kind of man who wants to get laid!” Her hand dipped between them to grasp his erection, causing him to hiss. “I feel you against me—I know you want this as much as I do.”

Although the devil on his shoulder raged at him, he quickly removed Megan’s hand. “Believe me when I say I won’t have sex with you like this. I would never disrespect you so much as to not make love to you like you deserve.”

Tags: Katie Ashley The Proposition Erotic