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“How do you know what she’s into? You forget where you bumped into her?” I grin at him.

This gives him pause. His brows crash together. “Do you know why she was here? Did she book a room? A scene?”

“You know that’s confidential, bro.”

“Bullshit. She probably thought this was a normal club or she was meeting a friend,” he utters, convincing himself. “Oh, look, it’s the freak gang at table one.”

I swivel to see my buddies walking in and heading toward our favorite booth. “You’re such a dick,” I tell my brother.

“I learned it from you, big bro.”

Waving him off, I saunter through the bar to the booth my friends are piling into. Ren is a freak like me, into some kinks that are morally questionable. Got himself a really hot blonde, though, who proudly wears his bruises on her throat. His older brother is one of my best friends. Ronan owns a record label and kills it in the music scene. He’s a little kinky too and found a young thing who calls him Daddy. Fucker gets off on that shit. Blaine’s my cop buddy who’s had to help on occasion when shit gets out of hand at Hush. Usually, he has his rock star boyfriend under one of his massive, muscled arms, but today, he has someone else with him. A guy maybe ten years older than him.

“Hey, assholes,” I greet as I shove in beside Ronan. “What are you guys up to? Not looking for a piece of ass since every damn one of you is weak and attached now.”

Ronan laughs, and Ren shrugs. Blaine simply smirks at me.

“Where’s Xavi?” I ask Blaine. They’re pretty fucking committed, so it’s strange seeing some dude hanging out with him and not his boy toy.

“Rehearsing with the band.” Blaine nods at his friend. “This is Greg Sanders. We were partners for several years.”

“Yeah, and now that this fucker took on private security with his wannabe husband, I’ve been stuck with a rookie. You wound me, man,” he jokes, nudging Blaine with his shoulder.

Blaine shrugs. “You deserve it for all those times you made me run after the perps. I hope your rookie has legs on him.”

“It’s a she,” Greg says, grinning wolfishly. “And legs she has.”

We all laugh.

“Nice club you have here…” Greg holds his hand out for me to shake.

“Joshua Tuck. Good to meet you, and thanks. Hush is my baby.”

“I can see why. Blaine has told me all about it. Pretty sweet deal you have going on here.” He scrubs at his cheek with his palm. “I’ll have to look at the menu.” He waggles his brows, and I chuckle.

“Hope you brought money. That shit gets expensive fast.”

Ren reaches across the table and grabs my wrist, showing off my watch. “I’m pretty sure I paid for this Rolex.”

I jerk my arm back. “It’s not my fault you’re a kinky bastard.”

Ren smirks. “Totally worth it.”

Ronan and Ren get into a discussion about one of their new clients. I take the moment to check my phone.

Quinn: I’m headed to bed. Since you’re not coming for me, I might have to reverse the roles and sneak up on you tomorrow after work. Talk soon.

I don’t respond.

At least, not yet.

“Sorry, guys, but something’s come up. Enjoy a round on me. Greg, it was nice meeting you.” I give them all a wave, then go hunting for my Little Red Riding Hood.


The sound of the door unlocking is quiet. I turn the knob and push it gently open. Her home is quiet aside from the soft sounds of water running in the back of the house. She’s showering. Excellent. The thought of seeing her naked again does my head in. I want to fuck her until she forgets her name.

Too bad that won’t happen tonight.

She wants this, but she’s not ready.

We’re not quite there yet. Trust doesn’t come overnight. I’m working on her, but it’ll be a while.

I want to make her feel good, though. I want to give her more and more of her ultimate fantasy a little each day.

Prowling through the house, I make my way into her bedroom. The door is open. Flannel mismatched pajamas and a pair of white panties are thrown on the end of the bed. She really wasn’t expecting me.

I turn off the lights in the bedroom, then pull off my jacket and tie. My shoes get kicked off next. I fly through the buttons on my dress shirt, then peel it off. I’m in nothing but my wife beater and slacks when I make my way over to the bathroom door. The water shuts off. Humming can be heard on the other side of the door.

Patiently, I wait.

I can hear muffled sounds of her toweling off. Then, the soft sound of a brush running through her hair. She brushes her teeth, then turns off the light. The door opens.

Tags: Ker Dukey, K. Webster Kkinky Reads Collection Romance