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He reached out and ran his thumb along the thin line of her collarbone, heard her sigh softly in her sleep, and got hard that this woman was his. She didn’t know it, probably would fight him tooth and nail over it, but she was his. Collin’s dick throbbed for release, and he closed his eyes and lay down beside her.

Placing his hand behind his head, Collin stared at the play of light from the lantern on the wooden rafters above him. Rebecca was breathing softly and then shifted closer to him. He stared at her, saw how her raven-colored hair fell over her forehead, and gritted his teeth to force himself not to touch her.

It was wrong to even be lying next to her, to look at her face, her lips, and think about touching her in ways that were dirty as fuck and would have them both sweaty and moaning.

God, stop thinking about this shit or you’ll get blue balls.

She shifted again, moved a little closer to him, but was now on her back. Her breasts were not much more than a handful, but they were fucking hot as they were. Her nipples were hard too, poking against her top and making his mouth water, wanting to pull up the material and latch onto that tip. Since the contamination hit, Collin hadn’t had sex.

Not one fucking time had he felt a woman’s warm, soft body against his. Jerking off was getting old, especially when he had been used to getting willing pussy at the snap of his fingers.

The sound of something banging against the side of the building was loud, echoing off the high ceiling, and had him sitting up. She was still sleeping, and when he sat up fully and looked over the haystacks, he saw an infected had made its way through an opening in the wall. It fell against the side of a broken-down machine.

The metal fell to the ground with a loud clatter, and Rebecca woke on a gasp. He pressed his hand on her belly, flattened it against her body to keep her still, and felt his cock jerk because of that small contact. She made this small noise, and he leaned forward and whispered in her ear softly.

“There is an infected in here. We have to be quiet,” he whispered.

She nodded, and that small movement had her hair brushing along his cheek. He closed his eyes and held back his groan of pleasure that he had this female here with him, pressed so close he could hear her breathing almost intimately.

Pushing those desires away, he focused on the infected walking aimlessly around the main floor. It wouldn’t be long before more infected realized they could get in as easily as this one had. They were high enough that nothing could get them, but once the infected knew they were up here, more would congregate, and it would be impossible to escape the building.

The window was too small to go out of, and even if it wasn’t, they were too high up to jump out of it without hurting themselves.

“Are you afraid?” she asked softly, staring right at him.

He thought about her question, knew the answer right away, but got lost in her green eyes that were lightly visible because of the lantern. He needed to turn it off, not draw any attention up until he could climb down and kill the motherfucking infected, but he was transfixed.

She was gorgeous, so feminine and looking almost ethereal in this dim lighting despite the grime and dirt around them.

Collin wanted to kiss her, to just take their clothes off—no, tear them away—until they were naked and he was spreading her legs.

Christ, he was insatiable, and he knew that until he was between her sweet thighs, pumping away and finally claiming her as his own, Collin would only get even more desperate for her.


Rebecca tried to control her breathing, but Collin was touching her stomach, holding his heavy weight on her body, and it felt really good. Maybe she should have focused on the fact that a corpse had gotten into the building, but she couldn’t be worried about anything right now.

She didn’t know if it was because she hadn’t been with a man in far too long or if it was just him, but whatever it was had her aroused, wet, needy, and not thinking clearly.

He moved silently over to the lantern, turned the light off, and they were plunged into darkness. It took a moment for her vision to clear, but then she saw him moving back toward her, the moonlight gently playing through the small glass window behind him.

He moved beside her once again, so close she felt his body heat seep right into her.

She should be worried about the infected currently in the building and that more would probably soon follow. But instead, she pictured the two of them together, him with his big, strong body over hers, his hands parting her thighs, and Collin guiding his cock into her.

Tags: Jenika Snow Savage World Erotic