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While her pleasure was still going, one of the guys grabbed her hair, yanked her head forward, and kissed her hard enough that their teeth clashed. The deep groan against her lips told her it was Mason, but soon Asher had his hand in her hair and was pulling her toward him, kissing her softer but with just as much passion. Mason shuddered against her as he came, and the smell of their sweat, the sweet muskiness of their combined arousal, filled the small, deserted kitchen.

Even after the pleasure became a slow burn inside her, Mason and Asher took turns kissing her. Their faces were so close, nearly fused together, so all they were doing was moving their mouths against each other at the same time. It was hot as hell, erotic, and steam worthy, and she knew she had never truly lived until this very moment.

Chapter Fourteen

Collin stared through the small opening in the window where the boards didn’t quite block. What he saw should not have made him hard, but he hadn’t been with a female in a really long fucking time, and seeing the woman who had just been tied to a tree hours before, willing to do whatever the fuck he wanted because she had no other choice, had the sick side of him rear its ugly head. He thought he’d buried the bastard when the world had gone down the shitter.

He’d gone through his stash of cocaine months ago, and even after the agonizingly painful period of him lying in a ditch going through withdrawal, it was clear that the evil part of him hadn’t died right along with his need to get high. He was just good at hiding it, keeping it buried deep inside until he couldn’t handle the black oiliness of it any longer. Tonight had been the result of him not being able to control it.

He killed the men he had been on the road with for the last two weeks. But they were pieces-of-shit humans who should have died like the rest of the world. They were a means to an end, and when he had seen the green-eyed, dark-haired beauty restrained to that tree, something in him snapped. He didn’t care how many lives he had taken, didn’t care if he went to hell for it, because in all honesty, he was already in hell.

Nothing worse could happen to him.

He was a demon amidst the fire and flames of the seventh level of hell, and he reveled in it. It had been his life for as long as he cared to remember, and he had no intentions of letting go. Collin was tired of being alone, and the green-eyed beauty would make a perfect addition to his lonely, depraved, pain-filled existence. But even as he thought that, a smaller part of him moved away, tried to reason that being decent was the only thing left that was good in this world. But in his mind’s eye, he saw her tied to that tree. Her complete helplessness had gotten him harder than he had been in years, had brought back memories of the club he once owned, of the darkness, smoky atmosphere, screams of pain and pleas for more.

Even now, nearly half a year later, he scented the sex that lined the air like a thick, erotically cloaked blanket. He wanted her, but as he watched them with her, saw the way they touched her like they really fucking cared, and this wasn’t just about getting off, it told Collin that getting between that wouldn’t do anything but hurt everyone. Did he actually think kidnapping her would have her loving him, looking at him like he was her protector, and letting him do all the vile and filthy things he longed for?

No, he was a sick, depraved bastard. There had been enough pain and disgust in his life before the apocalypse, and even afterward, he had done some pretty heinous shit. He didn’t want to continue on the same path, didn’t want to ruin what those three obviously had, and what Collin would most likely never experience.

Chapter Fifteen

The sun started to rise over the tops of the evergreens, and Sparrow shielded her eyes from the bright glare. They stayed at the cabin for a few days, letting Mason recoup before they continued to make their way to his own cabin. Fortunately, no one bothered them during that time, which had been a very nice break from the chaos that seemed to follow them.

They’d been walking for miles, farther and farther up the mountain until the air thinned and a crisp wind blew through the trees. Her feet ached, her whole body burned, and all of the adrenalin, endorphins, and energy that had kept her going thus far had since dwindled away to nothing.

Tags: Jenika Snow Savage World Erotic