Page 18 of Before You

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To celebrate, a few days later, Andrew told her to get dressed up and pack an overnight bag. Once she got home from work that evening, she put on the nicest black dress she owned, stuffed some things into a backpack, and waited for Andrew to pick her up.

She didn’t know how long the drive would be and was surprised when it was under an hour, the car slowing when they reached the crunchy gravel, eventually pulling up in front of the White Barn Inn.

“Andrew …” Honey whispered after reading the sign. She turned toward him, unable to believe they were there. “This is too much.”

“No, baby. This is just the beginning.”

He got out of the car and went around to the passenger side, helping her out. As they walked toward the door, he handed someone his keys and escorted her into the restaurant. Although Honey had been to Kennebunk many times, she had never visited the famous inn or its restaurant.

Both were far out of her price range.

But she had heard stories from friends who had gone and recalled the experiences they had shared of eating somewhere that magical. The men being required to wear jackets to enter the dining room. Having waiters deliver everyone’s food at the same time. To have drinks with tiny, shaved ice chips floating on top with herbs frozen inside them.

They were seated along the side of the main room. Honey had the most incredible haddock she’d ever tasted while Andrew dined on duck, and the two of them sampled from each other’s plates.

At the end of dinner, right before dessert, Andrew reached into his pocket and took out a small velvet box, placing it in front of Honey.

As she stared at it, her pulse raced. Her legs began to feel extra warm in her nylons.

The box was too big to be a ring, but that didn’t matter. He had gotten her jewelry, and no man had ever done that for her before.

“Open it,” he said.

With trembling hands, Honey slowly lifted the lid off the box and gasped when her eyes landed on what was inside. Lying on the velvet holder was a diamond solitaire hanging from a silver chain necklace that was braided, similar to his father’s wedding band.

It was simple. Elegant. And the most beautiful diamond she had ever seen.

“It’s also way too much,” she said, adding to what she’d said earlier when they drove up to the inn.

Andrew reached around the candle that was in the middle of the table and put his hand on top of Honey’s. “Wear it for me.”

She continued staring at him, saying nothing.

“I want to spoil you. Please don’t try and stop me.” The devilish grin returned. It was so infectious that Honey found her lips matching his. “You’ll win plenty of fights, baby, but you’re not going to win this one.”

“I don’t need things, Andrew. I just need you.”

“You have me.”

His thumb caressed hers, and she glanced down at the ring on his left hand. Every time she saw it, she loved it even more.

“Let me help you put it on,” he said, getting up from his chair and coming around to her side of the table.

When Honey handed him the necklace, he set the stone on her chest and clasped it in the back.

“How does it look?” she asked as he returned to his seat.

“Like it was made for you.”

She lifted the diamond off her skin, trying to get used to the feel of it. The weight. The way the metal initially felt cold against her flesh.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” she said.

“You do that every day by being with me.”

As a warmth spread through Honey’s body, she wondered if things between her and Andrew would always feel this good or if there would eventually be a moment when things weren’t so perfect.

She could handle both as long as she was with him.



“ATTENTION, PASSENGERS,” the captain said as he came over the speaker, “as most of you are probably aware, we just lost one of our engines. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be a problem, but when our engine became damaged, it also punctured the wing, and we’re having a hard time stabilizing. Air traffic control has determined we can’t continue flying in this condition, and we need to make an emergency landing. I need all of you to make sure your seat belts are securely fastened, tray tables are locked, and personal belongings are stored as tightly as you can make them without getting up from your seats. We’re going to start our descent very soon. Please cover your heads, stay in a low position, and … brace your bodies for impact.”

Tags: Marni Mann Romance