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This is what love is, and I’m now one of those stupid fucking boys who will gush about it, put her first and fuck her every day.

And no other will have her because she’s mine. Mine.

I touch her face causing her eyes to flutter open. Those green eyes stare back at me, and it takes my breath away. I’ll marry this woman one day, I have no doubt about that fact at all. This woman will be my forever.

“Raven.” Her cheeks flush as a slow and steady smile appears on her lips. I can’t help myself as I lean forward and touch them with my own.

“How long have you been watching me?”

“As any good stalker would say, a while…” She giggles and shakes her head, sitting up. Her hand rakes through her short hair before she looks back to me. “Mom and Dad want to see you, welcome you into the family officially,” I tell her.

“I’m already a part of the family, and how would they know what we are already?” I smile she shakes her head.

“Tracey…” we both say in unison.

“Come back here now so I can have my breakfast.” Her eyebrows raise. She turns, getting up on her knees while watching me. I reach for her, pulling her body to mine. “I plan to make this a habit, one that’s hard to break.”

Her hand touches my hair. “Well, we don’t want to disappoint, so we might as well start. You are the most conceited man I’ve ever met, so my expectations are very high.”

While she pulls her shirt off over her head, the thought rings through my head again. I’ll marry her someday, soon.30Ariel ‘Raven’The last few weeks with Falcon have been some of the best times of my life. I couldn’t be happier—he makes me happy. I didn’t think that it was possible, but he proved me wrong.

We are at Creed’s house as El is having a barbecue for his birthday. I brought him a gift and Falcon laughed. Walking up the stairs his hand in mine, I wonder what point it was when I realized I could trust him, not in life but with my heart. Falcon’s known as a ladies’ man, he’s slept with plenty of women and is known to have sex to the point of being an addict.

Shit! I knew this growing up.

I asked him last week how many women he’s actually slept with. He smiled when he said he stopped counting at over a hundred. I hit him in the arm, to which he leaned over and bit my ear before he whispered, “But only one counts.”

Then I forgave him. He’s back to being a smart ass, and I wonder when I will actually go home. I’ve been at his house since that night in the club, going back to mine to grab clothes and leaving his only for work. The rest of the time we’ve spent in bed, fucking. It’s been magical. I can’t get enough of him. Ever.

Storm waves at us as we step in. I like her, a lot. She’s a great boss and for her age she’s accomplished heaps. Echo looks at her like she’s the sun, I love it. And I even like the way Creed looks at El, always silent, but he’s constantly aware of where she is. If Echo looks at Storm as if she is the sun, Creed looks at El as if he’s a wolf protecting his mate. And we all know you don’t fuck with a wolf’s mate.

Darby sits by himself, El hands him a drink which he smiles about. It’s just us, and Creed’s mother who has a sleeping baby Annabelle in her arms.

“Creed doesn’t like people,” Falcon says as we sit down. “Don’t wish him a happy birthday, he may kill you,” he warns, pulling me next to him. Creed walks past us, and Falcon reaches for the present I brought for Creed.

“Happy Birthday,” Falcon says, to which Creed looks at Falcon as if he wants to kill him. Very slowly and extremely painfully.

“Fuck off.” He keeps walking.

“You have to stir him, don’t you?” El says shaking her head.

Falcon pulls me to him and kisses the top of my head. He says I love you every chance he gets, and it still makes my butterflies take flight in a mad rush.

“I like seeing you together, it’s good for you,” El says, walking off in the same direction Creed just went.

“I want to ask you something.”

I turn to look at him. All playfulness is gone, and all that’s left is Falcon.

My Falcon.

“Yeah...” I say waiting.

“I want you to move in with me.”

“Shit, really?” I ask him. I didn’t see that coming.

“You already live with me, basically, and I don’t want you to go back to yours. I will just follow you. So, when I go out at night I know I will be coming back to you and you’re safe.”

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic