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“You hurt people to keep it a secret.”

He shrugs. “They know what they sign up for. It’s their choice if they break the rules, just like breaking the law, and there is a consequence.”

Things start falling into place and then… it clicks.

“Oh my God, you were sending me those emails?” I ask turning to him.

He simply nods like it was nothing. “I was trying to warn you, you should have listened.”

I shake my head and turn to punch him, I miss and hurt my hand on his car door. “Fuck you, you asshole.”

“You should be dead! Thanks to me, you aren’t.”

I throw my hands up in the air, it’s a habit I seem to be developing since being with Falcon. “Should I be getting on my hands and knees to thank you? To thank your friends for trying to kill me? Who was it? Creed? He has that serial killer look about him, always has.” He doesn’t answer me. “Oh. My. God… it was him,” I say shaking my head.

“You were in his place just then, he told me where you were. He did it out of courtesy to me, and just so you are aware he wouldn’t usually do that.”

Tears spring from my eyes. I may not have been close to them all growing up, but I thought at least they would consider me a friend of a friend.

“I hate you!” I scream through angry tears.

Falcon starts the car up again and begins driving. I see my car in my driveway as we pull up. I open the door. And not looking back I walk slowly, and on sore feet to my front door.

“Please don’t publish anything, Ariel. If you want to ruin me, you can, but not them. They did nothing wrong.”

I shake my head at him and flip him the bird as I open the door. The second I step inside, I shut the door and lock it, then slide down, swiping at the angry tears that are falling.

I hear his footsteps come up to the door. They stop.

I hold my breath and wait.

Then he walks off.

And I remember to breathe.

That’s where Chad finds me the next day, still on the floor and still crying.“Don’t quit work,” Chad says.

It’s been three days and I can’t stay here any longer, I need to go. Out of this town and back to breathing. Everywhere I look now reminds me of him, and I’m always looking over my shoulder thinking he will pop out from the bushes and take me away.

I chose to not publish the story and told my editor it was a dead end—let’s face it, I do value my life more than a single story. So, I chose life. I quit, and she didn’t even try to keep me. I feel bad about leaving Chad in this place all by himself, but I don’t want to be here with the chance I could run into him. That risk is too much, and I’m afraid of how I will act, or if the panic attacks will sneak back up on me again. I’ve had one every day since and I don’t want any more.

“I already did.”

Chad shakes his head, then his hand reaches out and touches my wrists—they are still sore. “I wish you would tell me what happened, you won’t say anything.”

I pull them away and try my hardest not to cry. I could have loved him, you know, I was so close. Too close for comfort. I’m kind of happy he destroyed it all this early, because now, even if it’s painful, it would have been a thousand times worse if I had given him my whole heart. Then it would be a shambles at my feet instead of fractured pieces right now.

“I’ll call, okay, and you’ll come and visit?” I ask and Chad nods his head. “But please don’t tell anyone where I am, not even Tracey. Even if she begs.” He nods again and leans in wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight until the tears finally stop falling.

“I love you, Ariel.”

“I love you, too. Thank you for being an amazing friend.”

He pulls back and taps my chin. “Come back, okay? Come back anytime. Take your time and get yourself better then come back.”

I nod, faking a smile as I grab my last box for the car. I left the bed not wanting to take that, it reminds me of him now.

I drive away and need to pull over. Those angry hot tears still leaking from my eyes and running down my cheeks don’t seem to want to stop, no matter how hard I tell them to. I blame him completely.25FalconMy fists slam hard into Darby’s face. He stumbles back and then runs at me, so we both go flying to the floor, him landing on top. I turn, managing to knock him off, and punch into him from above. He yells at me but I don’t hear a word that’s said. He knocks me hard across my jaw, which makes me stop and shake my head. It gives him time to push me off and stand up. Darby shakes his head as I do, then rubs the palm of his hand over his jaw, spitting out a line of blood, and if looks could kill I would be dead. But right now, I don’t fucking care, I don’t give a flying fuck. I clench my fists and make my way toward him, and he straightens his posture ready for it. He goes to block me when I bring my fist up, but I trick him and use my other to punch him straight in the fucking gut. He bends over coughing.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic