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* * *I text the address and sit and wait. Elicea talks about Annabella and I gladly sit and listen. Who knew a baby could be so adorable. The door opens and I turn to see Creed walk in. He looks at me then to Elicea sitting in her seat holding Annabelle.

“Why are you here?” he asks stepping in and walks straight to El.

“He came to see me.” She smiles up at him.

Creed looks back at me and if looks could kill I would be stone cold dead.

“Where were you?”

“Handling your mess,” he says then walks to the kitchen.

A knock on the door resounds through the house and Creed walks out to open it. I notice black hair and know it’s her.

“Falcon,” Creed growls, opening the door wider as Ariel stands there not sure what to do. “Why is Ariel on my doorstep?”

“I asked her to come over.”

She looks past Creed and shakes her head. “You said it was an emergency. I had to leave work for this, Falcon.”

“It is, come in.” She steps in and walks up to me. “I want you to meet, Elicea.”

Ariel’s always polite and says, “Hello,” and smiles at her before she turns back to me. “Why am I here? What’s the emergency?”

“I wanted you to meet.”

Ariel looks to El, and they both turn to look at me.

“If you want to smack him… hell, even punch him, there’s no judgment here,” El says with a smile on her face.

“I’m afraid I want to do worse,” Ariel says through clenched teeth.

Creed walks over and takes the baby from El and walks out.

“You said it was an emergency?” El asks, shaking her head while standing in front of me. “Falcon that was stupid… even for you.” El turns to Ariel. “It’s a pleasure meeting you. Hopefully, next time, under better circumstances. If you decide to bash his head in, please do it on the fur rug, I want a new one anyway.” She waves her hand and walks away.

“You can’t do that,” Ariel says her head still shaking. “I was in the middle of an important meeting. I thought something had happened to Tracey.”

I wave her off. “Tracey’s fine, it’s you who I wanted the attention of.”

Ariel turns and walks straight out of the house, not even bothering to wait to hear what I wanted her for.

I follow her. I’m faster, so I stand in front of her, her hand lands on her hips, her sunglasses covering her eyes as she stares at me.

“Move, Falcon, I have to get back to work.”

“Not until you hear me out.”

She sighs loudly. “You have a few minutes then I will kick you in your cock to teach you not to play with me again.” I like it when she talks dirty. “Oh God, you just enjoyed me saying that, didn’t you? I can see the look on your damn face.” She shakes her head.

“If you wanted to touch my cock all you have to do is ask.” I step forward, she steps back.

Her hands go up to block me from touching her. “Why did you bring me here?”

“I want a date. El suggested I date you.” Her mouth opens, then closes, then opens again.

“So you want to use me, for what? Trial and error?”

“No, I want to date you. Not just play with you.”

“We discussed this, Falcon. I won’t be it. I won’t be your plaything.” She turns, her hand reaching for the car door.

“We can play too if that’s what you want. All I’m asking for is one date.”

“No. Date someone else.” She pulls the door open and slides in.

I hold it open while looking down at her. She doesn’t look up.

“It won’t make you jealous if I date someone else?”

Her beautiful dark eyes look up at me. “No. Now move.”

“Well good, I don’t want to date anyone else because I want to date you. And believe me, you and I will date.” I shut the door and offer her a wave as she looks at me confused, and it only takes her a minute to drive off.

When I turn, I notice Creed on the doorstep waiting for me with Annabelle in his arms, which makes me feel safe, so I walk to him.

“You’ll hear the news soon anyway… so a heads up.” I wait to hear what he has to say. “Tom’s dead. Don’t make me have to deal with the other issue either.” He turns and walks inside.

I turn to see if I can still see her, but she’s long gone. I pull up my cell and search Tom on Google. Someone like him dies and it will be everywhere, and sure enough, he comes up straight away.

I cringe when I see how.

But I also smile knowing he’s now out of the way.18Ariel ‘Raven’The nerve of him. I told Falcon I forgive him then he has to the nerve to message me about some emergency which I left a very important meeting for—ran from it, to be exact—and went straight to where he said. I shake my head as I drive back to the office and think of all the ways I can kill him with it not going noticed. The damn idiot could get me fired. I cringe at that thought, I really hope not. Just as I pull back to work, my cell starts ringing. I check to make sure it’s not him before I answer—my work number is flashing.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic