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“You left me hanging.”


“I want more than that ass, which by the way is a fine ass.”

I spit my drink out laughing.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“That wasn’t my ass, that was my leg, you asshole, which my housemate sent you.”

“So, you didn’t send me a photo of your ass, even after I sent you a photo of my cock?”

“Correction, you didn’t send me a photo of your dick, you sent it to my housemate. I wasn’t even aware it was you he was texting.”

“Raven,” he growls into the cell. That old nickname sends shivers down my spine like he wants to bite me in all the right places. And I want him to. Lying back on my bed, I wait for what else he has to say. Falcon has a voice that women drool over. Even if you hadn’t met him, just his voice alone could make you come. It’s what we dream about when we want to be spoken dirty to. It’s what I envision when I play with BOB.

“Let me come over,” he finally says after a pause. “I can show you in person.”

“Sure,” I say smiling.


“Sure,” I say again.

“What’s your address?”

I rattle off the address and hang up.

It takes thirty minutes for my mother to call me to tell me Falcon turned up at her door, and it takes thirty-one minutes for him to message and call me back. Both of which I don’t answer as I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

My mother may have loved him growing up, but she wouldn’t have liked being woken up.5FalconShe got me good, better than any other woman has gotten me. When I saw Laurie at the door, the chocolate body spray I had in my hand didn’t really soften the blow of waking her up. She let me off with a smile and a door slammed in my face. I always did love that woman.

This now means war. She can’t play those games with me and not expect consequences. I haven’t thought of the perfect plan yet, but I will.

“She did what?” Echo laughs at me.

“You really thought after a dick pic she would just be like ‘come over and fuck me’?” Darby says while shaking his head.

Yes, in fact, that’s exactly what I thought because that’s what usually happens. Granted, I typically don’t have to work this hard to get a woman to sleep with me. Raven is proving to be more difficult as time goes on.

“Maybe you should let sleeping dogs lie,” Echo says shaking his head. He leans forward. “Unless you want more from her. Why would you try this hard to get a woman, otherwise?”

“Because I want a taste, just one.”

“It’s always just one. Then you taste and you won’t be able to come back from it. Trust me, I know.”

Darby doesn’t say a word, just watches us.

“She’s a reporter,” I say.

Darby sits up straighter in his chair, then starts to shake his head. “Are you mad?”

“Nope, I’m insane.”

He stands from his chair, pushing it backward. “I’ve learned my lesson on telling you fools to end relationships when they could hurt this business, but this one needs to stop. Or you need to hurry the fuck up and fuck her and get it over with. If she found out what we did—”

“She won’t.”

“Needless to say, a relationship with a reporter is out of the question.”

Echo nods his head in agreement. “That could be a big fuck-up.”

“Calm the fuck down, we all know her. You know she wouldn’t do that.”

“Correction, we knew her. Now she hates you. So, we don’t know what to expect and what levels she would go to harm you,” Darby says.

He’s right, but no one can tell me who to see. Though, I’m not an idiot, I know bringing her into this world would not be the same as Creed bringing his woman in. They’re two completely different people. Ariel has the means to ruin us. And she’s already pissed at me.

Is it a smart move to make her mad? Probably not, but where’s the fun in smart.

“Where is Creed, anyway?”

Echo shakes his head. “Hospital. Elicea had the baby, she had a few complications so she had to stay longer.”


“A week ago. Where have you been?”

Ariel’s face flashes in my mind. Has it been a week already since that night I saw her at the club?

“Busy, is he up there?”

Echo shakes his head. “Of course, he is, you dick. Maybe you should go visit.”

They both leave my office, Darby slamming the door on his way out.Creed’s sitting next to Elicea’s bed, not moving. His eyes are closed as Elicea sits up with a small baby in her arms. She notices me and smiles, nodding for me to come in, then looks back down at the baby. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” she says in just above a whisper. When I look down, blue eyes stare wide-eyed back up at me.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic