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“We’re having dinner here?”

I nod as she finally walks in. My office is nothing fancy, just a desk and a sofa. Which has been removed to place the extra table and chairs in for tonight? “Pizza.”

She smiles. Her hand touches her heat. “You know the way to my heart, after all,” she gushes before she sits down.

“Does that mean you’ll come back to mine tonight?”

She takes a bite of the pizza and shakes her head. “No. Don’t you know the rules?”

“Rules?” I ask confused.

“It’s the third date that’s meant to be the winner, but it has to be good.”

Game on.Third Date…

She made me wait another week. Which I actually needed for what I wanted to do. This date will be the best date she’s ever been on. Of that, I’m sure.

Tonight she has on jeans and a white shirt as she waits for me out the front of her house. Her bag is over her shoulder, and she smiles brightly when she sees me. I like being the reason it’s there, that I put that smile on her face. But I like it even more when she screams my name.

I’m just about to get out of the car when she pulls the door open not letting me get it for her.

“I’m excited, big expectations here.” She claps her hands in front of her. “But why do I have to wear something comfortable, I mean wouldn’t this be harder to get off than a dress.” She winks.

Fuck, she’s right.

Now my mind is stuck there.

In the gutter. And now I’m thinking of all the ways to remove her jeans, fast.

Closing my eyes and looking away is my only option. I try not to speak on the drive, basically because my cock is straining in my trousers, and I don’t want to hear her say my name, which I think I might explode if she does.

“Where….” Storm looks around when we pull off on the dirt road. Her hands cling to her seatbelt as if she’s afraid. She stays quiet the closer we get. When the car comes to a stop, I flash my lights twice and turn to watch her.

Her face is blank until the first light comes on, then the next, until it’s completely lit up. The old theme park that closed down years ago is owned by the property Darby bought a few years ago.

She turns with a smile so big. “What’s this?”

“Do you like it?”

Storm nods turning back. “Can we go in?”

I get out and go and open her car door. Most of the rides don’t work due to safety reasons, but a few do. The merry-go-round is one. She claps her hands together when we get to it, then she climbs on the horse. I don’t want to go on any other, so I climb on the back behind her, wrapping my hands around her waist and breathing her in. Tonight she smells like vanilla, and it takes everything in me not to taste her.

“You outdid yourself tonight, blondie,” she jokes.

The operator comes over and passes us two glasses of champagne.

She squeals in excitement. “You didn’t need this, I would have slept with you anyway,” she says as the ride starts.

Now, I just want this date to end so I can take her back to mine.29StormHe upped his game, better than anyone else. He opened a theme park for me. Who the hell does that? I guess Echo does that. The older guy who turns on a few rides offers us some fairy-floss as we get off the merry-go-round again. “You really upped your game.” Just before I can put the fairy floss in my mouth Echo licks it from my finger.

“I had to secure my chance.”

I laugh because it’s funny, and he really didn’t need to. I would have gone home with him anyway. That was one of the reasons I suggested he pick me up this time. The other times I had to drive, my willpower not being that strong.

“Oh, you did. Maybe you might even get a bonus.”

Echo pulls some money out of his pocket and hands it to the guy, who’s been turning the rides on. “A bonus you say?”

I nod as we get back to the car. It’s dark out here, the bright lights from the park are being turned off slowly. Stepping behind him, he turns around with scrunched up eyebrows until my hand lays on his chest and I push him back so his ass hits the front of his car.


My fingers make work of his belt pulling it off and flinging it to the ground. He goes silent as he watches me. I drop on my knees in front of him as I pull his cock free. His hand goes straight to my hair gripping it, while one of my hands touches his balls, and the other the base of his cock. I lick the tip. He bucks at me not speaking, letting me do what I want. So, I lick again, this time as if I’m kissing his mouth, my tongue making circles around his tip, his hand clenching hard in my hair. I take him all in as far as I can without making myself vomit.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic