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“Have you ever liked a girl for more than one night?” I ask him back. Falcon doesn’t do relationships, he’s the exact opposite of me. That’s why we always give each other shit on the topic, one loves harder than the other. Actually, the other doesn’t at all.

“None have kept my interest for longer than one night, you should know that.” He used to try to sleep with our girls until we put a stop to it. The girls who work for us are a no-go, no matter what. Falcon, other than us, is only close to one girl. That’s his sister. “So what do you plan to do, love addict?” he asks me taking the subject away from him. He’s good at that.

“Get her back.”

“I have a feeling she isn’t going to be as easy as Selena.” Darby laughs at Falcon’s words. “You do know Selena tried with all of us, right? We didn’t want to tell you, but figured now you should know considering you’re over her, right?”

What the fuck! I didn’t know that.

Creed looks up again from his cell and I ask him, “She tried it on you?”

He nods his head and I know that Falcon’s words are true.

“Thank fuck you never told the bitch what we really did, hey?”

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

They all stare at me.

“You believed you loved the crazy bitch. Who are we to tell you otherwise?”

“So, what about Storm then?”

Falcon smirks. “Oh, I tried to insert myself in her. That one may be a keeper. Or she’s blind. Either or, I’m going to leave that up to you.”

Of course, he tried on with her. He’s only human and she’s only one of the most beautiful women on this fucking planet.

“I really like her,” I murmur.

“We know,” they all say in unison.

“She’s better for you though, you used to miss work all the time. With her you don’t, and even when you thought you might, you let us know. With Selena, you always needed to escape. With Storm, it’s like you’re too afraid to escape,” Darby says.

“I never looked at it like that.” It’s true though, I haven’t gone to the beach once since I’ve been with Storm, and I looked forward to seeing her every chance I could get. “Giving her space is fucking hard.”

They don’t say anything, the quiet ticks on and Creed stands, runs to the door not even bothering closing it as he leaves.

“Baby?” Falcon asks.

We all shrug having no idea. He’ll let us know when he knows.

“Can you believe his ass is going to have a baby?” Falcon laughs.

“Hello.” The cell goes to my ear without even looking at the caller.

“Echo.” My mother’s voice comes through on the other end of the cell. “We’ve been trying to call you, Storm gave me your number. You need to come to the hospital.”


“It’s your brother. Please, just come.”

Falcon throws keys at me. “Take my car.”

I do, running out the door the same way Creed did moments before. Unsure of what I’m about to face.Selena is the first person I see when I reach the waiting room in the emergency department. My parents are sitting next to her holding hands.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong with Mike?”

Selena falls onto my chest, crying loudly as she clings to my shirt. My father stands to leave, my mother sitting on the seat not moving.

“One of your brother’s clients shot him.”

My legs become shaky. I didn’t expect that—my brother getting hurt. Not in this way, not like that.

“Is he alive?”

My father nods and taps my shoulder for his form of comfort. “He’s in surgery. We’re waiting to hear more.”

“And what’s she doing here?”

Selena lifts her head from my chest and looks up at me her tears instantly gone. “He’s my husband, Echo.”

“You could have fooled me,” I say remembering her words. Selena doesn’t love anyone but herself. That much is evident.

“Son, just leave it for now.”

I do as my family says. Not for her, though. No. Mike will still be hearing about what she said to me soon enough.

“I don’t think you should be here,” Selena says as she wipes at her fake tears.

I lean down to her. “Lucky for you I don’t care what you say.”

Sitting next to my mother, she lays her head on my shoulder and something in me moves. Not once in the last ten years has my mother showed me affection. Not once. It’s always been directed at Mike. I run my hand through her hair and she breaks out in a sob so loud it’s painful to witness.

“We really like Storm, son. She’s lovely.” My mother lifts her head nodding.

“How can you talk about her at a time like this?” Selena yells.

“It helps to stop us think the worst. And Selena, if you’re going to be jealous, please take it elsewhere,” my mother says wiping tears from her face.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic