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“Tell me, did I look at her the way I look at you?” He lets go of my wrist and his hands come to my face as his baby blue eyes stare at me. It happens in slow motion as he leans forward bringing his lips to mine—I’m helpless to stop him from doing it. I want his lips as much as I want to hate him, and that’s a lot. Hating him isn’t something I think I’ll be good at. Despite the situation being warranted. So, I do nothing, not a damn thing when his lips slam on mine.

The lure of him is pure fucking magic. It’s how you want your forever to taste, but he isn’t that, though. So, I give in, my hands reach up and cling to his shirt, clutching it with both hands and gripping on for dear life as I kiss him back. Our mouths open, and somehow I pull him closer, like the air that licks at a fire, making it burn even brighter. He makes me burn hotter with each and every touch. That’s why I know it’s impossible to keep on seeing him, feelings are there and I want them to go away, not increase with each touch. What started out as a fling isn’t going to end in one. It would have ended in me being broken, more so than my first, and that scares me most of all. What this man could do to me is not something I want, when I can tell it isn’t the same for him.

So, I take his kiss, I fucking take it one last time, k

nowing that it’s our last time.

Our goodbye.

It has to be, for my heart at least.20EchoStorm tastes like everything I want. Her breath is heavy as I try to steal every last breath from her. Her hands are tight as they squeeze my sides unable to move or let go when I know she is fighting to do so. Taking hold of her hips harder, she moans when I push myself onto her so she can feel exactly what she does to me. Why? What we have must go on, and not end due to some stupid thing I didn’t have control over or for that matter even do. But maybe she’s right. I didn’t think when I got up and followed Selena to the room, I didn’t even question it. She was all I’d known for so long and no other women were ever in the picture. I don’t cheat, it’s not who I am. So, for Storm to even think I would do that to her fucks with me in so many ways more so than one.

“Storm,” Tracey calls her name.

She pulls away from me breaking our kiss—her lips are pink, and she’s pink around her mouth also. She tries to wipe it off, but all she does is smudge her lipstick even more. Her brown eyes find mine and hurt is there. Plus, confusion like she can’t believe what she just did.

“I need to go.” She doesn’t give me a chance to stop her before she runs up the stairs straight to Tracey, who looks down to me and shakes her head before they go inside.

“That was hot,” Falcon says stepping around from the side.

I shake my head at him. “What the fuck are you doing?”

He puts his hands up in the air. “I was simply hiding from my sister when I happened to step around the back to see you trying to molest that poor girl.” His hand goes to his heart as he shakes his head.

“Shouldn’t you be playing the father role?”

His face scrunches while his fist ball up tight. “Fuck you,” he sneers.

“Go and be daddy.”

He jumps at me landing his fist into my stomach making me double over. While I’m bent, I run at him, and we both land on the ground his back slamming hard when we go down. He pushes at me and manages to hit me in my jaw knocking me off of him, but not succeeding in making me bleed.

“What the fuck,” a girl’s voice comes over, then hands are on me pulling me back. Falcon tries to run at me then stops when Jordan steps in the middle.

Falcon is the father, something not many people know. He didn’t fuck Jordan, though he offered to do that. He gave his sister his sperm, so she and her girlfriend can have a baby, and they are hoping to fall pregnant soon. He loves Tracey, I envy what they have because I’ve never had that with my brother and we are twins. Yet, he has that with Tracey, and there’s a few years difference between them.

“Explain to me what’s going on?” Soft hands touch me and I know it’s her. She wipes at my face, and I capture her hand with mine, then start walking away.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic