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“Oh, you did, and it was funny. Howard had trouble getting the cell off you.”

Pulling the blankets away, I realize I have no pants on. “Where the fuck are my pants?”

She giggles again. “You bruised my poor Howard. He will never look at you the same way again.”

Fuck my life. I tore my clothes off the minute he put me down for bed, and I did so with him and Mel still in the room.

“I’m going to owe him so big for this.”

She nods her head smiling in agreement. “Maybe just more visits.”

I nod agreeing.

She stands to open the bedroom door. “Now, I’m off to thank my hunk of a man for all his help, with my mouth wrapped around his cock.” She salutes me as she walks out. When I think she’s gone her head pops around the corner. “Your mother is showing him pictures of Matthew.” Then she disappears.

I jump from the bed and run downstairs to my mother, who’s sitting next to Echo, drinking tea? No photographs in hand at all. Mel giggles even more as she walks out the door with Howard behind her.

“Thanks, Howard.” He nods and smiles as they leave.

“Storm, put on some clothes,” my mother screeches. I look down at my G-string and shrug. He’s seen it all before, nothing new there.

“Can you give us a few minutes, Mom?”

She nods and stands walking out the back door. I wait for the click before I open my mouth. “You need to leave.”

He shakes his head as his eyes trail over me. “We need to talk, and I don’t want to leave until we do.”

“You need to leave, now. I don’t want to talk. Especially not today.” He steps forward his hand lifts and touches my hip. I try taking a step back, but he follows me when I do. “Now, Echo.”

“You stink.” My eyes go wide at his words. Those aren’t the words I was expecting. But he’s right, I do really stink. My breath is probably terrible. “But I’d still kiss you anyway.” He goes to move forward, I turn so he can’t touch my lips.

“Oh, fuck no, you need to leave.” Getting out of his grasp, he shakes his head.

“When are you coming back?” he asks sliding his hands into his pockets.

“It’s none of your business, Echo. Now, please leave.”

His jaw clenches. “I didn’t want this, you have to know that?”

“It doesn’t matter what you want, we were a fling, Echo. Nothing more. Why make this more complicated than it has to be?” His hand runs through his hair, and I watch as the muscles in his arms bulge. Then I remember the way he fucks me and how all his muscles bulge in the most perfect way.

“You’re right, I won’t bother you again.” He turns and walks out.

And the minute the door shuts behind him my heart aches, hurts with pure pain. I’m not sure I even understand why. Crawling my way back up the stairs, I reach my bed creeping into it. My cell is lying on it, and on the screen is a photo of Echo and he’s smiling. The ache doesn’t leave my heart, not when I fall asleep and not even when I wake up later that day. It sits there like a snake waiting to constrict its prey. And unfortunately that prey today is me.18Echo“Maybe she’s right? Maybe you should forget about her and move on,” Elicea says as she rubs her big belly.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do all week.” Getting over someone is easier said than damn well done.

“The boys were saying you haven’t wanted to escape lately. That usually, you run away to the beach.” Creed’s listening I know he is, he’s never too far from Elicea. He had a call and walked off leaving us sitting to talk.

“I don’t want to escape, not yet anyway.”

She leans forward and touches my knee. “I know you’re worried about her, but have you thought about talking to your brother? He was hurt in this as well.” She sits back. “I know some of the story, but he’s still your brother.”

“Elicea,” Creed says as he walks back in.

She raises her hands in surrender.

“Did you at least tell him he’s been calling trying to get hold of him?”

That’s news to me. I look at Creed who’s already looking at me.

“Is it true?”

He sits down, his eyes on Elicea and her belly as he answers me, “Yes, he’s called.”

“What did he want?”

Creed looks up to me. “You.” Looking at my cell, I don’t see one missed call from him. Surely he has my number. “You never gave anyone your new number last year after you smashed your old cell phone, remember.”

Oh, shit. That’s right. Only the boys and Red have the number.

“He’s only going to blame me, it’s what he’s good at.”

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic