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“I’m sure he’s only supplied them because he knew you were coming,” his father chimes in.

I want to tell them how superficial they are, but instead, I sit back smiling and pretending I actually want to be here when I want to be anywhere else but here.

“So, are you two serious, or is Selena right. Is it just a fling?”

I choke on my drink and everyone looks at me. How they don’t see the issue in his ex taking notes on who Echo is with baffles me.

“You’re taking advice on my relationships from my ex? Oh, that’s classic.”

“Your brother’s wife, thank you,” his mother chimes in correcting him.

“Oh, sorry, did I forget to mention that Mike has my seconds and that I was fucking your new favorite daughter-in-law for the last few years.”

Fucking everyone goes silent.

Selena walks over in her beautiful white dress, her smile is forced as she comes to stand directly next to Echo, who doesn’t look up to her at all. Her eyes fall to me then to the top of Echo’s head.

“I’m glad you could make it. It made your brother happy you came and didn’t cause a scene.”

Echo doesn’t say a word as he lifts his drink and starts drinking again.

Her judging eyes fall to me, and I know she remembers me from his house. “And you are?”

I stand because one thing I learned in life is to never be lower than someone who thinks their shit doesn’t stink. You hold the power so show it. “I’m with Echo. Storm. Lovely to meet you, I’m sure. Congrats on your wedding.”

She smiles and bares her teeth.

“Storm here is the Editor in Chief at Sass Magazine. That’s the one you love, right?” Echo’s mother says.

“Oh, you like my magazine?”

She shakes her head. “I’ve read it a few times.”

“You bought a copy every month. The best inspiration you said,” his mother says, clearly not catching on. Echo does though, because he starts belly laughing and stops when I place my hand on his shoulder.

“It was lovely to meet you,” I say sitting.

“Echo, can we talk?” Echo ignores her. She’s persistent though, and taps him on the shoulder. He sighs as he looks up to her. His body’s stiff. I remove my hand from him and go back to my glass of champagne drinking it all in one go.

“Just briefly, please? It is my day.”

He stands pushing his chair back harshly and follows her out, not once does he look back at me, leaving me sitting here while his parents stare at me.16EchoHer white dress is perfect, it’s exactly how I imagined she’d look when the time came for us to get married. What a joke that was because now I can’t picture it at all. I can only see her kissing my brother as they say their vows—how much she loves him and for so long. It’s a stab in the fucking gut.

Who the fuck does that to someone they love, or claim to love?

She turns back once to look at me to make sure I’m still following her before she opens a door letting me in following her inside. She shuts it behind me. She bundles her dress in her hands as she watches me. “I asked you not to come.”

I shrug my shoulders, my hands in my pockets while I wait for the real reason we’re standing here.

“I’m glad you did, though. It made me see things for the first time.” I have no fucking idea what she’s talking about, so I choose not to answer. “You loved me in your own way. I see that now.”

I blanch at her. How the fuck did she just see that?

“I told you all the time we were together that I loved you.”

She shakes her head. “You didn’t. It was maybe once or twice a month if I was lucky.”

“You’ve lost it. Why the fuck am I back here?”

“Because I was stupid, and I didn’t really think—”

“No comment,” I cut in.

She shakes her head holding tight to her wedding dress. “I still love you, Echo.”

My world stops.

What the actual fuck.

Now, right now, she chooses to have this conversation.

On her wedding day to my brother of all people.

“You have some nerve, you know that, right?” My hands fall from my pockets as I brush my hair back.

“Just listen all right—”

“No. You just married my fucking brother and broke my fucking heart in doing so.”

She steps forward, the dress dropping from her hand as she reaches for me. I take a step back not letting her hands touch me. I don’t want her touch when we all, only a mere few minutes ago, saw her kiss my brother at the altar.

“I know, and I’m sorry, Echo. I’m so sorry. He was there when you weren’t. It kind of just happened. He offered me things you didn’t, and he looks so much like you. I know you don’t see it but you’re both so much alike.”

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic