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I laugh, that’s a massive understatement.

“She can find that out herself as well. I don’t plan to stay long anyway.”

“So, why are you going exactly?”

That’s the real question, isn’t it? I don’t even know if I can answer it correctly. A part of me wants to go just to say I saw it then laugh as it dissolves. Because it’s bound to. Then another part can’t believe that my brother or even the woman I used to love would do that to me. What did I ever do that was so bad to deserve this kind of treatment? I shrug my shoulders and grab my coat.

“You could come hunting with me, we need new clients.”

I shake my head.

Falcon loves that shit. He loves to assess people and surprise them with him knowing more. He delves into their history before he will actually meet them. Surprise attack to make sure they want it, then when he’s satisfied they are a right fit, he goes out and invites them. Usually, by that time they know they’re a candidate. Sometimes not.

“I’ve already said I’m going, and I’m already a disappointment. So let’s not give them something else to complain about.”

“You’re far from a disappointment. You are, by far, a better man than Mike. They just can’t see past their rose covered glasses. Idiots.” I smile at his words and walk out. The driver is already waiting for me out the front. I didn’t want to drive to this event because I know for a fact, I’ll need to drink if it gets that way around my family. Texting Red I tell her I’m on my way and she replies with a winky face.

When we pull up out the front she’s already waiting, in a dress I’m sure is going to out-do the bride. The dress is lavender and stops just short of her knees. The black sky-high heels she has on match. Her red hair is tied up in a tight bun on top of her head. Getting out before she can reach the door, I do what I’ve been missing all week, grab her ass and take her lips. She doesn’t fight or question me on it, she merely kisses me back like she’s missed the same thing as much as I have. When we finally break apart her hand lays softly on my shoulder as she smiles.

“I see you missed me,” she says in a sneaky suspicious way like it’s a joke hidden within the truth. She may be right.

“I’ve missed a lot of things, one of them is your lips.” She smiles as I open the door for her.

“So, this isn’t a date, right?” she asks looking up as she slides into the car.


She sighs in relief at my words. The look that passes on her face, the contempt in knowing this isn’t a date doesn’t sit well with me. Would I be that bad to date? I mean she likes me, that’s obvious, or she wouldn’t let me near her. But am I that bad a man for her to date? Getting in the car I place my hand on her leg, she smiles up at me.

“We have to stop at one more place.” She nods her head.

Pulling up at Creed’s I get out of the car shutting the door. Elicea comes to the door looks me up and down and smiles.

“I heard you’re going to a wedding.” Elicea is too fucking sweet for Creed, way too fucking sweet. She looks past me into the car and I know she sees Storm by the way her eyes pinch together in confusion. She looks back at me. “And taking a date?”

Creed walks out, his hand goes straight to the side of Elicea’s pregnant belly holding her hip. “You want me to take the security for how long?” Creed asks getting straight to the point.

“Bring her out. It’s rude to leave her sitting there,” Elicea says before I can finish.

“Go, and meet her, I have to go.” Looking back to Creed. “Just for two nights. D knows already.” He nods his head and Elicea places her hand on my shoulder, as I start walking back to the car with her next to me. Red opens her door and steps out with a smile and her hand outstretched already.

“Hi, I’m Storm.”

Elicea smiles big at her name. “I’m Elicea.” She turns back and points to Creed. “Creed’s other half. It’s so nice to meet you. You’ve really made him smile lately.”

Red looks to me then back to Elicea.

“We have to go, I’ll stop by tomorrow if I can.” I lean in and kiss her cheek then offer a wave to Creed who stands on the front porch waiting for Elicea to return.

“She seems lovely.”

“She is.” My hand covers hers as we start to drive, I’m trying to work out how exactly how I’m going to tell her because I really don’t want her sucker punching me in the balls, or even possibly worse not seeing me again. So far she’s been everything I need at this time. She came unexpected, and that’s more than a pleasant surprise for me.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic