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There are two large hickeys on my neck. Two. Not small either. Concealer won’t cover them. Two fucking dark hickeys each the size of a golf ball.

“Oh my God, you look like a hooker,” Mel says then pokes her tongue out at me before she walks away. Reaching for the toothpaste, I place a little on each of them. It’s an old trick my mother once told me to do when I was a teenager, and a boyfriend would do that. Stripping my dress down, I go to catch my cards and stop when only one falls out.

Where the fuck is my ID?

I walk out and backtrace my steps, then panic starts to set in. Where the fuck is my ID? The last time I remember seeing it was before I paid for my drinks at the bar next to blondie. Now, I don’t know where it is. It could have fallen out when I was slammed against the door but I don’t remember shit.

“What are you doing?” Mel asks as I pick up my heels like it could magically be stowed in them.

“Do you have my ID?” She pauses then starts laughing. “Mel, do you have my ID?” Her laughter doesn’t stop.

“You dropped it, didn’t you? He now has your ID, I bet you.”

“Fuck off,” I say flipping her off and walking into my bathroom lifting the mat and not finding it there either. Fuck! The last thing I want to do is to have to get a new ID. I don’t have time during the work week to do that. I’m too busy.

I try to not think about the fact if he has it or not. If he does, he now knows where I live and my name. The two things I didn’t want him to know.6EchoShe wouldn’t even tell me her name. She left as if I was about to trap her and I probably would have. I didn’t want to let her go just yet, I was more than happy to keep her trapped in the room with me for as long as humanly possible. Fuck! I would have gone again even knowing I didn’t have another rubber in my pocket. There were other things we could have done, especially with that sweet mouth of hers. What I wouldn’t give to have that wrapped around my cock. My buttons are broken and I don’t even fucking care right now. She’s gone. I watched as she went straight to her friend then disappeared. I almost chased her down until I noticed what she dropped on the floor.

Storm Hale.

It even has her address on it, her age, and her picture. The dirtier part of me is happy to have a visual to go home with, to pull my cock off to while looking at her picture. The other part smiles sinisterly knowing I can find her from now on. And there isn’t anything she can do about it.

Walking up to where Falcon is sitting he’s in a lip lock with a woman while his other hand fingers one of the other girls. I sit down next to Darby who’s pulling a face of disgust like this is the last place he wants to be. It probably is.

“You’re smiling.” He notices as he watches me.

“I am.”

“The redhead,” he says looking around.

“She left.” He nods his head sitting stiffly in his seat. “Do you want to go, D?” He looks to Falcon then back to me.

“Fuck, yes.” I laugh at him and stand, we don’t even bother saying goodbye to Falcon he won’t even fucking notice us leaving.

“That’s the sole reason Creed does the women, he’s the only one with control,” Darby says shaking his head at Falcon.

“I could do what he does,” I argue, he looks at me as we reach his car opening the door.

“No, you couldn’t. Creed doesn’t get attached. You get attached.”

“Creed is attached,” I state referring to Elicea.

“That’s different, you know it.”

I do, he’s right. Creed wouldn’t let a woman worm their way in to get more money or suck up to him to fuck us over. He’s like a block of fucking ice almost impossible to defrost. That’s why we were so surprised to see Elicea stick to him like fire.

“Fine, your right. But I want it on record I could pick women for the club and not get attached.” He scoffs at me and starts to drive. “When was the last time you were with a woman, Darby?” He shakes his head at me.

“That’s none of your fucking business.”

“Why? Why do you want to be so secretive?”

I turn to him and he grips the wheel tight. “I’m not secretive, I just don’t blab like you bitches do.”

“What bitches? I’m not a bitch,” I say pretending to be insulated.

“You and Falcon,” he states.

“Python is your favorite, isn’t he?” I say teasing him. He doesn’t answer as he pulls up to mine. A house I once shared with her. It’s the last place I want to be.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic