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“I’d like to order.” A voice so intoxicating it sends shivers down my body and I haven’t even seen him yet. No man has done that to me. Afraid to turn, I do so slowly, scanning to identify the source of that voice, the one affecting my body with merely a few words.

Most of the men are talking to each other, except this one. He’s watching me intently.

Something flies within my belly, almost like when you get your first crush in high school and the boy you always wanted finally notices you. I feel like that looking at this man. His dark eyes train in on me. His suit fits him like a damn glove. He beckons me with a nod, there’s no resisting as my feet pull my body toward him, cutting straight through the middle of his friends until I’m standing directly in front of him.

“What do you suggest I order?” Oh God, that voice. Alluring. Sensual. It’s dark, so fucking dark. I want to open him up and see if he has any light in there.

“I’m a tequila girl, myself.” My voice sounds high-pitched. That isn’t my voice. I’m not liking the way he makes me feel. His lip twitches up at me. His friend nudges his arm and whispers in his ear, but his eyes stay trained on me the whole time. Those dark, concentrating eyes. His friend looks to me, then turns back to the conversation he was in.

“I’ll stick to bourbon,” he says dismissing me.

I almost want to say something smartass. It sits on the edge of my lips. Instead, I lick them to stop myself. His eyes follow that movement. Sitting back in his chair I realize I’m still staring and watching him, well after he’s finished ordering. I turn and walk away without a look back, stopping to see Tracey who just smiles.

“Pretty impressive, aren’t they?” Tracey says. I look over my shoulder, all of them are still in conversation—except for him—he’s watching me.

Turning away, I tuck my hair behind my ear as I look to Tracey. “Intense. He’s intense.” The words come out fast.

Tracey looks over my shoulder. “He’s the interesting one. He never speaks when he comes in. Never orders. Just gets them to do it all for him.” She pauses. “Did he speak to you?” I nod, unsure if I can speak clearly. Grabbing the tray, I don’t look back his way as I serve my other customers while Tracey makes their drinks.

Walking past pervy Tom, he gropes me. Again. Damn it! His hand finds my ass, touching it without my permission. It’s the last time he’ll do that to me. I know I’m bound to lose my job as I lift the tray and slam it over his hand. He screams in pain, while I step back and smile.

Everyone goes silent. All eyes are on me.

Walking back to the bar head held high, I hand over the tray and wave to Tracey as I grab my bag from under the counter and walk out the front door. I quit, instead of being fired which I know is bound to come.

Stepping out the front, I lean back against the building, the sun almost set. My whole night was to be preoccupied working, now I have nothing but time. And probably no place to live soon because I can’t pay rent with no job. Groaning loudly, I wish I were a small-tempered person, I wish my mother didn’t raise me to defend myself and not take any shit. Pulling my cell out, I check my bank account balance when the front door to the bar opens. Heavy footsteps come close, but I don’t look up. Until those shoes are standing right in front of me. Black shiny shoes at my feet, almost touching the tip of my heels.

He smells like the ocean and smoke, and the minute I look to those dark whiskey eyes with hints of green, I know it’s a mistake. I should have excused myself and walked the other way. Instead, my breathing becomes erratic and my chest rises up and down fast as I look at a jaw that’s chiseled from stone, perfect cheekbones, like the gods made them for just him, and I can’t even imagine what he looks like under that suit.

“You quit your job?”

“I did,” I say in one heavy breath.

“Would you like another one? That pays double?”

I try to take my eyes off him, to look anywhere else. He’s all I can see, he has me hypnotized. What is fucking going on?

“Yes,” I say as I nod my head as well. His lips quirk then stop as he watches me. He steps back, so he isn’t in my space, taking his scent with him, so it only lingers now as he isn’t as close.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic