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“They were, but not anymore.”

His eyes go wide like he wasn’t expecting my answer. “Maybe you should go to the police.”

“No. I just want to go home.” Looking up to him before I put the skirt on, I ask, “What’s your name?”

He offers me a kind smile. “Wyatt.” He turns away as I slide the skirt on, then when I say, “Thank you,” he turns back to look at me.

“Where’s home, Saskia?”

“Not here,” I say, looking around. “Sorry, that was rude.”

Wyatt shrugs his shoulders. “I think you’re entitled to that. Will you tell me why you jumped from a moving car, though?”

My hands wipe over the front of the skirt I’m wearing. I’m so tired. Oh, so tired. I want to sleep again, for quite some time if I can.

“The woman in the car…” I pause, thinking about what to say, “… I don’t particularly like. And I didn’t want to go where she was taking me.”

He nods his head like he understands, but no one can. It’s impossible to know how much you hate someone just because they decide you’re too pretty. “I’ve wanted to jump from a few cars due to women, but I’ve never actually done it.” He laughs, and despite the situation, I actually laugh with him.

“Yeah, well, this one was next level crazy. Be thankful you’ll never meet her.” Looking around, I turn back to him. “You wouldn’t happen to know how close the nearest airport is, would you?”

“Yes. Are you flying somewhere?”

My hand rubs my arm. I’m nervous to tell anyone where I’m going. Eventually, they might find out. But for some reason, no matter how much I want to try, I know I can’t keep hidden, but I’m going to sure try. I shouldn’t need to, my debt was paid in full. So why should I have to? I know I have to get away from here. This is the worst place for me to be. “I want to fly up north, I need to get home.”

Wyatt turns, walking to the counter picking up his cell. He types in a few things then turns back to me. “Look, I wouldn’t usually offer this. But my parents have a private jet, and I can get you on it tonight.”

I’m shocked by his kindness. I haven’t experienced kindness like this for what feels like ages. Everything’s so draining. This life, my life, has become debilitating. I don’t even know how I got to this place in time, how I haven’t shattered into a million tiny pieces by now. This wasn’t where I was meant to be at this stage of my life. I was meant to be someone, love someone, enjoying my life. I need someone to love me, not play me like a fiddle.

Ryken Lord loves me.

Of this, I have no doubt.

But he’s also draining me. Even if I do love him, I can’t do it anymore. I need to live, and with him, I do the exact opposite of that. I barely survive.

“As kind as you are, I can’t accept your offer. That would be—”

“Look, feel free to say no. I get it. But it sounds like you need an escape and not one where people can find you. Let me do this for you?”

“Are you sure? I can pay you. When I get home.” I can, well, at least I hope I can. I did have money, and I do own my own business. So I hope that maybe it’s still going.

“I trust you, Saskia. Please let me help.”

I give him a simple nod. He grabs his keys and walks out the door.

Taking help from someone is new to me. The only person I’ve accepted any help from was Livia and her family because they are my family. So this just feels new. I can’t work out if it’s good or bad. But either way, I want to get home, and I can see this is a safe and convenient way to do it. I want to see my mother, and I want to sleep in my own bed again.

But most of all, I want to be away from this place as fast as I can. And if this is the way to do it, then that’s what I’ll do.

Confession #10

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”

Boy-oh-boy, have I sinned.

If she only knew I was the reason.

The reason she hates her so much.

I’m the cause of it all.

They’ll hate me, of this I have no doubt.

But that’s okay because no one wins a war by having people love them.

I don’t give a shit about redemption, or anything the priest wants to throw at me right now. So I leave quickly.

Absolution? What’s that? Exoneration for something I’ve done? Well, I say… who gives a flying fuck about your absolution.

Chapter Fourteen


“Amy had Saskia,” says Quinn, as he shows me a video from two days ago which was taken from the front of my hotel. I haven’t left the hospital after Livia’s operation, and have been staying by her side ever since. Her parents can’t keep me away. I’m the reason she’s in this mess. I had to see her through, to make sure she’s okay. I have come to a decision that we’re not right for each other. But I can’t do it to her now, not with the way she is.

Tags: T.L. Smith Dark Intentions Duet Romance