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We both just want to be loved.

* * *

“Do you want the good news or bad news?” Amanda asks, striding into my office while I scour through fabric samples.

I close the folder and look up to her awaiting expression. “Bad. Hit me with the shit first so I can get it over and be happy.”

“We’ve hit a speed bump with the Kane Alexander project. The textured wallpaper from Amsterdam is going to be delayed.”

I sigh, annoyed at the setback. Everything’s been running so smoothly, and now that damn wallpaper is going to cause a kink in my timeline. “How long are we talking?”

“Six weeks.”

I almost choke on my saliva. “Six weeks! What happened? Did the container fall off the ship or something?”

She raises both brows in surprise. “Actually, that’s exactly what happened, so super weird you say that.”

Damn it. That’s the worst-case scenario. Kane will not be pleased, and I’m less than impressed because that wallpaper is pure luxe and an extreme rarity.

“We took the last batch and now it all needs to be remade, which according to them, is a very hands-on project.”

“That’s not going to work. Let me think on that one.”

She nods before writing a quick note next to her points. “Okay, good news.” This time she looks up, eyes wide with excitement. “You’ve passed all pre-requisites and have an official invitation in the mail.” Amanda hands me an envelope void of any markings that could identify the place.

My heart skips a beat with excitement but that soon fades when I consider my new reality. Do I really care anymore what Sam does with her life? It’s for the most part no longer a mystery. The need to go snooping now seems rather a moot point. A lump forms in my throat at the still-fresh betrayal, my finger tracing the beautiful wax stamp sealing the envelope.

“What’s up? I thought you’d be over the moon to be accepted?”

“I am.”

“You don’t look it.”

“It’s just… I guess my objective has changed in the last forty-eight hours.”

“You never really explained to me what your interest is with that place anyway.”

I lean back in my chair, inhaling deeply to abate the tears. “I thought it may answer a few questions for me, but I’ve since learned those closest to me aren’t as they seem.”

Amanda’s phone rings from her desk, and when she realizes her headpiece isn’t on, she stands and makes a path for the door before turning to face me once more. “Speaking of closest, Samantha came to the office to see you.”

This time, my heart leaps to my throat almost choking me. “She did? When?”

“Twice, actually. Both days when you were ‘sick.’” She uses air quotes.

I smile at her teasing, realizing she’s more onto me than I think, but then my heart breaks just that little bit more knowing why Sam came to visit me, and it wasn’t to discuss sibling business.

I check my cell in case I’ve mistakenly missed her call or ignored a message. Nothing. My brows crease in confusion. Why would she come and visit instead of calling? Especially after all the missed calls she would have on her cell. Was she coming with an admission of guilt, to simply appease me so I stop harassing her, or to continue on the path of lies she’s so happily taken? All three are viable options but none I can stomach right now.

My email pings and I lean forward to open the message, smiling when I see the name.

Dear Blythe,

I trust you aren’t too tired for your day of work.

I would like to discuss a time for your crew to meet with my installation team. You must be aware by now that attention to detail is extremely important to me… in everything I do.



My thighs clench, fully aware of his penchant for detail. I hit reply and type my response.


You must be aware I am a hard taskmaster, so you have my support in ensuring there are no miscommunications between teams.

Tired? Indeed. But always ready.


A few heartbeats later, I receive a response.

That’s my girl.

Be home by 6.



I shiver in delight at his my girl comment. Am I reading too much into two simple words? And what on earth does that man have in store for me that I need to be home by six?

I hit reply.

Why six, Mr. Alexander?

A heartbeat later.

Because I said, Ms. Blakely.

Huh! The nerve of the man.

Yes, boss!

Wearing a grin, I place my cell down and start prioritizing my work when it vibrates once more.

I like that. You can call me boss while I fuck you from behind.

Sweet Jesus…

I turn off my computer at exactly five-thirty, and pass Amanda on the way out.

“Would you mind locking up today? I’ve got an appointment at home.”

She arches one brow and looks up through her lashes. “Well, that sounds ambiguous.”

Tags: T.L. Smith, Melissa Jane Romance