Page 22 of Sever

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He points to my hand, doubt marring his strong features. “Did you forget to wear your rings on purpose?”

I splay my fingers on the table and look at my naked ring finger. “No, it was intentional. But don’t get ahead of yourself,” I tease. “It has nothing to do with meeting you tonight.”


Damn him and his smoldering good looks.

My words catch knowing it’s time to switch the focus away from me.

“You chose extremely well tonight,” I say, my gaze moving across the room, taking in all the finery.

“I’m happy you appreciate it. I know you’re a woman of good taste.”

His last four words are a subtle innuendo which have my thighs clenching. I shift in my chair, suddenly uncomfortable with the sexual frustration thrown upon me. I haven’t had sex in over a year, and I worry it’s starting to show. He studies my every movement, drinking me in.

Every. Last. Drop.

I hope to hell this man isn’t a mind reader because if he is, not even Jesus will throw his hand up to help.

Once again, I’m faced with having to change the subject, but Kane beats me to it. He holds his glass high, and I do the same.

“To you, Blythe. To our new business relationship and anything else that follows.”

We clink and hold each other’s gaze while we sip the champagne.

“Thank you, but I haven’t said yes, yet.”

Kane leans forward, eyes narrowing but still loaded with sex and challenge. “I’m not a man who takes no for an answer, so what will it take to convince you?”


“I’ve already told you as much as I can.”

“Which isn’t a great deal.”

Kane shrugs. “It’s all I’ve got. You need to trust me.”

“I hardly know you.”

“We can change that.”

I swallow hard, feeling his intensity strip me bare on the inside. “My husband says I should be careful around you, and that’s putting it nicely.”

Kane leans back in his chair, interested in what I have to say but somewhat unbothered by others’ opinions of him.

“He’s warned me that you’re not a good person, and that you will destroy me.”

“Destroy? In what way?” he asks, wicked eyes gleaming.

“Not that way,” I blush. Although, that could also be true. “Why would he say such a thing?”

“Is Shawn a good man?” he asks, stabbing a green olive with a toothpick before sliding it off into his wicked mouth.

“As far as I know.” Or… at least I thought I knew.

“Do you think you know everything there is to do with your husband?”

He never told me about leaving his job… a year ago.

Or that he secretively drained our joint bank account.

So, yeah, that will be a big fat no.

“I like to think I do,” I lie to save the scrutiny.

“But you don’t know with a hundred percent certainty that you do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be sitting here with me right now. Beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, Blythe, because he will pack one hell of a bite.”

What’s that supposed to mean?

That’s an extremely bold statement to make.

So, I question their relationship. “How well do you know Shawn?”

Surprisingly, Kane doesn’t shy away from answering. “I’ve known Shawn Cooper for a very long time. Since senior year in high school. And in that same amount of time, we’ve always been competitive… some would call us rivals even.”


“Because I have everything Shawn wants but can never get.”

I’m conflicted. I want to defend my estranged husband, but there’s a reason he’s estranged. Because he isn’t happy with what he has and wants what I can’t give him.

“And you?” I ask with a lump in my throat.

He leans forward once more, face hardening, causing my heart to race at a painful speed.

“I have everything I need, but he has the one thing I want.”

I feel a headiness take over, heat rising from within. His eyes fall to my chest, milky skin now blushed with pink. His tongue darts out, wetting his bottom lip before he leans back, a tattooed finger nonchalantly tapping his lips.

My cell chimes a muffled tune from my clutch. I ignore it, but I’m grateful it’s pulled my focus from Kane’s penetrating stare. I sip my champagne but end up draining three-quarters of the glass. My cell chimes again and then twice more.

Kane’s stare falls to my clutch, and I move to silence my cell. Before I do, I see Amanda has sent me a string of messages.

“I’m sorry, it’s work. I—”

“Answer it, it’s fine,” Kane says, taking the time to watch me.

I open her messages and a shiver courses through my body.

Amanda: Oh, gurl. You in big trouble.

Amanda: The good kind of trouble.

Amanda: At least, I hope so anyway, otherwise not even I can save you.

Amanda: Original Red Riding Hood—The Big Bad Wolf orders Red to strip NAKED and climb into bed with him. He then EATS her alive!!

Amanda: That’s some kinky shit right there.

Tags: T.L. Smith, Melissa Jane Romance