Learning To Walk

Author:M.A. Innes

Category:M-M Romance

Total pages:0


Eavesdropping is only bad if I’m not being helpful with the information I’ve acquired.

Bates loves being helpful, and since being nosy makes it easier to be helpful, well, no one can complain about that logic. Especially not the cuties upstairs who have the most interesting family and the most wonderful questions.

It’s not eavesdropping if we’re too loud, right?

Gareth isn’t concerned about how much his handsome neighbor has overheard about their life. He’s more focused on getting his questions answered and about the way the fascinating guy from downstairs thinks he should be dating his best friend Cash…and the guy from downstairs.

Maybe eavesdropping wasn’t so bad?

Cashel isn’t sure what’s happening when the tornado of a neighbor bursts into their life, but he knows nothing will ever be the same. Especially not when it ends up with him on a date with Gareth and Bates. He doesn’t do that…any of it…but it sounds like maybe the neighbor knows him better than he knows himself.

When a nosy neighbor decides to help two curious men, questions finally get answers and nothing will ever be the same.
