My Forbidden Crush

Author:Flora Ferrari


Total pages:0


I’ve always been lousy at keeping secrets, and this one is the mother of all secrets.


My best friend Lucy likes to hint she has a secret bigger than the one I’m keeping, but there’s no way she knows, right? I have to keep it to myself. It’s just too crazy.

See, I’ve kinda crushed, more like obsessed, over her dad, Bowdie, who is also my dad’s best friend. Talk about a double whammy.

If there was ever a recipe for trouble, it’s a couple of eighteen-year-old girls with deep, dark secrets and one giant man we are trying to keep the secrets from.

What if he did know my secret? What if he felt the same way? It would mean the end of decades of friendship, but could it mean a lifetime of happiness? Which would I choose? Which would you choose?
