Love Over Easy

Author:Kali Hart


Total pages:26


Breakups are supposed to make people sad. Right?
But all I feel after parting ways with my Anchorage boyfriend is … relief.
I didn’t expect to spend my entire summer in Caribou Creek.
To say he was unsupportive when I told him is the understatement of the year.
But with Grandma Rose on a cruise, it’s up to my sisters and me to keep the diner afloat in her absence.
Oh, and apparently our fate rests in the hands of my best friend, Rowan Jacobs and his secret cooking talent.
Correction: former best friend.
Because best friends don’t go around kissing you with a wicked ability to make your toes curl at your sister’s almost-wedding.
I thought three years away would be enough to forget.
I was wrong.

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