Loving Goldie

Author:Debra Elise


Total pages:0



I've been in semi-permanent fight-or-flight mode for almost a decade--searching for a loser ex who doesn’t want to be found; watching my only child fight, then thankfully beat cancer; and suffering in silence (mostly) for years with endometriosis.

That last one has kept me from living life to the fullest and giving my daughter what she’s always wanted: a family.

Then, at the exact right time, things seem to finally be going my way. After leaving almost every job I’ve ever had out of boredom, six months ago I landed a new position that could finally be the one.

But there’s one obstacle even I didn't see coming.

It’s a six-three, nerdishly sexy problem who thinks I’m the one. But I’m not looking for love, just a job that finally challenges me and has a great health plan.


Work is crazy.

My family is crazier.

And my personal life? I’m not going to lie, it’s been pretty dull and a bit lonely, okay, a lot lonely.

I tell my friends I don’t have time for love. But what I haven’t told anyone, especially my mom or my nosy cousins, is that I’m a romantic at heart. I know the one is out there.

And at 43, I may have just hired the woman of my dreams.
Convincing her proves challenging.

But I'm not worried, I enjoy a good challenge. And Goldie is the best one yet. And I'm not giving up until she's mine.

She says she's broken and not interested in love, but all I see are her perfect imperfections.

