Going Wild (The Wild Ones 2)

Author:C.M. Owens


Series:The Wild Ones

Total pages:74


Wild Ones Tip #109
We’re the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.

People often ask me what in the hell convinced me to move to Tomahawk, Washington, where the four corners of crazy are known as the Wild Ones. They want to know what possessed me to live next door to the Vincents—the same ones who think it’s acceptable to fish with dynamite if the fish aren’t biting the hooks they so generously attempt to use.
They want to know why I ever thought I’d make it in the woods with bugs, bears, and other things that want to take a bite out of me.
I tell them all the same thing…
It’s a long, crazy story.
And of course, I blame one girl.


* Can be read as a stand-alone
* No cliffhanger
* Adult language and content
*If you're looking for a serious, intense read... this isn't that. This is the book to take a break from the more serious ones. ;)

Other books in the series: Becoming A Vincent (The Wild Ones #1)

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