My Secret Bandit

Author:Kirstie Davis


Total pages:128


I moved to Florida to leave behind the old Jamie Flynn and the small town that fostered all her insecurities and self-hatred of being a plus sized woman.
I needed a fresh start. Somewhere not tainted by faulty memories. Somewhere I could focus on myself and all the things I wanted to achieve.
But when a couple of drunk idiots left my painstakingly crafted confidence shattered, I ran out into the night so fast I didn’t even stop to thank the sexy stranger that defended me.
Lost to my fears, he was nothing but a memory.
Then we crossed paths again in a locker room.
His locker room.
Mateo Linx, star linebacker for the Tampa Bay Bandits and my knight in a tight black tee were one in the same. And he wasted no time busting through the well-built walls protecting my heart to soothe the scars and bruises himself.
Mateo was the dream I never let myself have. The perfect teacher on loving yourself and not giving a damn about what others thought. So perfect, I believed everything he said. Until one quick, heated barrage of words ruined everything, and tragedy changed us forever.

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