Wrecked - A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

Author:Loki Renard

Category:Science Fiction

Total pages:43


She was intended for the auction block. Now she is mine.

Aspel didn't even have a name when I plucked her from the wreckage of the Vargon ship. The beautiful little human was meant to be sold, but there is no need to find a buyer for her anymore.

She belongs to me now.

Aspel has never known freedom, but having tasted it for a moment she will always long for it. She will need to be broken of that. She is my property, mine to tame and master, and every time she dares to defy me she will be punished and ravaged as thoroughly and shamefully as I see fit.

She was bred in captivity, and she will remain a captive. My captive. Forever.

Publisher's Note: Wrecked includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

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