
Author:M.K. Moore


Total pages:6


Xavier “Patriot” Thompson

Growing up in Haven, I did what I was told to do by my father. All that changes now. I am forging my own path after my time in the Army. I never thought it would take me to the Dirty Sinners, but here I am, prospecting at my age. When my job at the Lust & Sin leads me to her, I will do anything to protect her from her past.

Celeste “Lil’ Bit” Olsen
It was nothing but bad luck that brought me to Haven, or so I thought. After meeting Patriot, I started believing in Fate, until my past caught up with me. Instead of running away, I run to him. He protects me like no man ever has. I can only sin with him. I won’t give that up without a fight.

This is a safe, over-the-top insta-everything that is oh, so steamy…

This September, 18 of your favorite authors take you to the mountains of Haven, Tennessee. This small town is known for its wild times, alpha men, and the Dirty Sinners MC—a group of rowdy hell-raising bikers who don’t have a problem getting their hands dirty in order to do good. Crime, passion, and the forbidden temptation of love will push them all to the line.

Will they ride through life craving soulmates as their penance for the crimes they’ve committed? Or can a Dirty Sinner be saved?

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