Ranger Danger

Author:L.A. Wayward


Total pages:40


You’re mine now

His raw words bring me to my knees
Making me beg for the freedom I crave
He found me alone in the woods
Brought me to his self-imposed prison to wait out the storm, locking us together in a forbidden embrace

To play with
To own
To mark as his

Releasing me from my dirty cage
He wants everything
All my firsts, staking claims for any man who dares to question him
His past still haunts his dreams, and I’m just the girl to release his demons

Can this Alpha, this lone older wolf, turn out to be my salvation?
The one to get my dark, twisted thoughts?
Yes, he takes what he wants, but will he ask me to stay once he finds out the reason why I’m here?

This Ranger is Danger personified
The only question is:
Will he fight for me, or let me go when the storm ends?

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