Mail Order Mistletoe (Hawthorne Billionaire 1)

Author:Farrah Lee


Series:Hawthorne Billionaire

Total pages:47


She's desperate. He's devoted to his career. Neither knows they need each other.

Mia Anderson would do anything for her sister, including marry a complete stranger so her niece could have the heart surgery she desperately needed. Her dream of being a veterinarian would have to wait.

And then she meets Dr. Parker Hawthorne. He's perfect in ways Mia never knew she wanted, but now she's promised to someoneĀ else.

Parker Hawthorne has never cared for romance or the family fortune as much he as he cares about saving lives. His practice is his passion. That is until his mother brings a complete stranger into their family home and it throws his entire life off track. He's not sure what his mother is up to...or what this girl is now doing to him.

Can love be found when it wasn't being searched for?

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