Tuning His Engine

Author:Annelise Reynolds


Total pages:13


It takes a strong man to love a good woman.
It takes an even stronger man to love a good woman at the top of a male-dominated field.
These women aren’t the norm, they’ve made their mark in a man’s world and shattered the glass ceiling.

I started this business from the ground up. It’s my baby and letting go and giving up control is hard for me to do. After months of burning the candle at both ends, I’m tired and ready to bring on some more help.
Creed is a hot and capable mechanic. Being around him excites me and keeps me on my toes. I want him, but it’s not right to mix business and pleasure. If I let go and allow myself to accept what he’s offering, it could ruin everything or turn into so much more. I’ve worked too hard to run the risk and let it all fall apart now.
After my ex took off with my son, I moved to Sunset Falls to be closer to him. She wanted to go home, and now I’m following behind her adamant my son won’t grow up without me in his life.
I was supposed to help her keep up with her business, so she could have a break. I didn’t plan for the fierce attraction I felt for my new boss. Kassandra Storm is smart, beautiful, stubborn, and tough as nails. There’s no doubt in my mind why her business is booming, but something’s got to give so she can have a life outside the garage—preferably a life with me.

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