Cross My Heart

Author:Haven Rose


Total pages:11


Cydne Kramer’s parents adored each other to the point there wasn't any left for her. So, she escaped, looking for a place to belong. She found it and so much more in Sweetville, the town that was its own little slice of heaven. It didn’t take long for her to feel at home, and while there was a surplus of kindness, a part of her still wished for more.

Curtis Walker knew if he didn't make a change years prior, he wouldn't see forty. Granted, that wouldn’t be anytime soon, but if he didn’t walk away then, he never would. Three years have passed since then, and while the town had everything he could’ve asked for, something was missing.

Neither have ever experienced love in this form, and Cydne not at all, so Curtis has to prove he’s all in. Good thing he’s up to a challenge because she intends to make him work for it.

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