A Lady To Reveal (Sherton Sisters 4)

Author:Wendy May Andrews


Series:Sherton Sisters

Total pages:38


Can they overcome their secrets to embrace a life together?

Lady Felicity has no interest in Society’s expectations, and positively dreads being married off to a life without purpose. Desperate for a change of scenery, she hides her noble heritage and takes on the role of companion for the young daughter of a Duke.

Gilbert Barrington, the Duke of Rathnelly, feels constant pressure to provide financially in a way his own father never did. His keen business sense has served him well, though his hardworking nature is better left a secret in High Society. A widower with three children, the Duke is far more concerned with keeping the estate from crumbling than finding a new wife.

When Gilbert notices his daughter’s new companion is especially intelligent and inquisitive, he fears his own secret industrialist ways may be found out. It doesn’t help that Lady Felicity’s allure has him seeking out her company and enjoying every conversation.

They are drawn together by their shared interests and an undeniable attraction. Yet, they are holding themselves back to protect their own secrets. What will happen when the truth comes out?

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