Most Likely To…Doubt Love

Author:Mary Waterford


Total pages:26


When she was in high school, Emilia Emerson was voted Most Likely to Doubt Love. With her history, is it any wonder?

As a childhood beauty queen, she grew up being made to believe she’s nothing more than a pretty face. First, by her own mother and then by the men Emilia dates.

Now at a crossroads, she swears off dating to focus on herself. Enter ‘hunky mover and packer’ Cam Rockford. Emilia is shocked when she feels like he sees past her surface beauty to the funny, loyal and intelligent woman she is.

But just when Emilia is starting to believe the impossible, that Cam’s vision of her is real, it all comes crashing down. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe she is just a pretty face.

Can Emilia trust enough to move past the scars of her childhood and give love with Cam a chance?

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