He Has It All (Boston Brawlers Hockey)

Author:Stephanie Queen


Total pages:88


She always had a crush me, but I was never right for her.
Now one wedding could change everything--If I can get sh*t together before it's to late...

Ryan O’Rourke here, pro hockey star for the Boston Brawlers and playboy extraordinaire.
That’s right, I admit it.
Hell, I own it, score with it and take it to the bank every day.

MVP of the league, rich as sh*t and sought after—no plagued by woman constantly, I’m on top of the world. Right?

Not so much. Problem is, when you’re at the top there’s nowhere to go.
And after a very short stint, it gets f*****g lonely because all your friends think you’re an a**hole.

The other problem is, when you fall for someone real, someone who knows who you were before you got to the top, you have a hell of a time convincing her you’re still the same person you used to be.
I swear I still am—somewhere underneath the cocky b*****d.
And then there's that damn promise I made...

Chelsea Wilde here, gossip queen for BeanTown Sports Broadcasting. Boston can be a tough town for professional athletes, filled with gossip and whispers, I hear it all and more importantly tell it all.
About Ryan O'Rourke, the favorite son of BC hockey gone pro, we hear he has all those women, he has all that money. And our favorite is, he has that gigantic… Well, there's some gossip we just can't repeat.

I really need to find a new job. Being a sleazy gossip is crushing my soul after only one month. It’s not what I envisioned for myself when I went into broadcasting.
I swear I’m not that nosey big mouth girl.
Especially not when the gossip is all about my best friend's big brother. The one I had a massive crush on all my life. The one I spent that night with four years ago… sort of.
A lot of things happened four years ago that I'd prefer not to remember. Ryan's the least awful of them.

But that was then. And this is now…
And I'm about to walk down the aisle with my old crush,--the home town sports hero I've been gossiping about professionally for the past month. Awkward.
Because I'm maid of honor at my best friend's wedding and he's the best man.

Everything is fine. The past is past, a job’s a job. I have everything under control... Not.

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