Sullied Wings (Sciathain Academy 2)

Author:Mazzy J. March


Series:Sciathain Academy

Total pages:29


Fall semester at Sciathain Academy
Against my better judgment but in agreement with my hormones and my inquisitive nature, I’m back.

The cooler temps have set in. Sweaters and jackets have taken the place of cute shorts and tanks. Bain and Zephyr are looking hotter than ever in their autumn jackets.

Every lesson, every story, every sign in every brick wall reminds me All Hallows’ Eve is upon us.

For a people that hated Halloween, they sure did have some racy stories about the holiday.

Apparently fairies and Halloween go together like devils and angels and yet something about it intrigues them. No matter how scary they make it seem, they’re having a dance and a fall festival.

The word Halloween is never spoken.

It’s all a ruse. These people seem terrified of the thought. There is no candy corn or Jack-o-lanterns to be spoken of. Instead, there are whispers of the veil thinning and shudders at what that means. Hay replaces ghosts and apples replace skeleton-shaped chocolate.

I have other things to think about. Like why my wings won’t come out and why I have two...maybe three guys all vying for my attention. I couldn’t get a date to the prom in high school but here, I’m like hot guy magnet central. Which would be great, if it wasn't for that hovering feeling, darkness that moves into my chest like thick, great, ink every time I go into a dark hallway or shut the lights off.

Every time I turn a corner, something dark and sinister is watching me. It tugs at my chest and fills my body with dread.

Can’t a girl, a human girl, until I’m proven wrong, catch a break around this fairy place?

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