Frantic (The Omegaborn Trilogy 2)

Author:Sara Fields


Series:The Omegaborn Trilogy

Total pages:43


In the city, my need could be controlled. Out here beyond the walls, it controls me.

Naked, bound, and helplessly on display, my arousal drips down my bare thighs and pools at my feet as the entire city watches, waiting for the inevitable. I'm going into heat, and they know it.

Someone took what I felt was mine and I tried to get revenge, but I was caught, and now I'm about to be punished so shamefully I'm not sure I'll ever be able to look anyone in the eye again.

When I'm found by the feral brutes who live in these wild lands, they will show my virgin body no mercy. With my need growing more intense by the second, I'm not sure I'll want them to...

By the time the savage beasts arrive to claim and ravage me, I'm going to be absolutely frantic.

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